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  1. And join probably yours useless custom server ? Good luck dude. Ppl wil chose quality over 20 online.
  2. L2 Sanity is getting down on 22/9/2014, running for 8 months with a record of 1400 online players and is preparing for a new start due to many requests. Our server can offer you a great lineage2 experience with a lot of players online. Server is estimated to be online on 30/9/2014 at 20:00 o'clock http://l2sanity.com/ Exp : 1000x Sp : 1000x Adena : 1000x Drop : 10x Safe Enchant : +5 Maximum Enchant : +16 Normal Scrolls Rate (Maximum Enchant +15) : 70% Blessed Scrolls Rate (Maximum Enchant +15) : 100% Crystal Scrolls Rate (Maximum Enchant +16) : 40% Top Life Stone Rate : 20% High Life Stone Rate : 10% 1 Active or 1 Passive Augment Skill Interlude NO CUSTOM Easy Farm Instant Level 80 Max Buff Slot 60 Buff Time 4h No Weigh Limit No Clan Penalty Max Subclasses 5 [ Free Subclass & Free proffesion ] Max Clans on Alliance 3 Armor | Weapon Mastery Penalty Block-Buff Skill Retail Skills Skills working 90% Flawless Geodata & Pathnotes Olympiad Buffers [ Only basic buffs, Maximum 5 selected buffs ] Olympiad List updated after every match Olympiad auto skill reuse on every match Olympiad Period 1 week [ Every Sunday ] [ Starts 18:00 | Ends 00:00 ] Special Starting Tutorial Daily PvP player [ Every 24 Hours ] Farm Zones [ Safe Zone x1 (Drops : 8 Sanity Coins & Adena) ] [ Farm Zones x2 (Drops : 10 Sanity Coins & Adena) ] Mass PvP Zone [ x3 Spawns ] Special Raid Boss Zones [ Galaxia & Golkonda Bosses (Drops : Crystal Scrolls, Top Lifestones, Sanity Coins, Bogs, Accessories) ] Advanced NPC Buffer with full buffs and counting buff slots Detailed Gatekeeper Advanced Shop Top Manager Castle Manager Clan Manager [ Instantly clan lvl 8 or +5000 clan rep each time ] Advanced Server Information NPC with everything inside Unique Vote Machine PvP Title Colors [ 300 | 500 | 1000 | 1500 | 2000 | 2500 | 3000 ] Stuckable Lifestones on Inventory Stuckable Bogs on Inventory Stuckable Scrolls on Inventory Sanity Coins Event Medals Vote Stones Noblesse Item [ Noblesse with double click ] Rec Item [ full recommendations with double click ] Sanity Tattoo [ Gives 10% CP/HP/MP ] Events Every 1 hour. You can vote for your favorite event. Team vs Team Last Man Standing Deathmatch Capture the Flag .info [ Advanced command that shows you everything about L2 Sanity ] .panel [ You can enable and disable message refusal & trade refusal or change your password] .join or .leave [ Special event commands] Low International ping CPU : Intel Xeon E5-1620v2 RAM : 64GB DDR3 2x 160GB SSD 1Gbps Connection DDos Protected
  3. Hello, I am Melo from KiDNapping and I want your opinion on something. So put your hate and suffering aside for a moment and check this out. We like to play on servers where clan pvp is an important part (not just once a week at some raid but everyday) because it is FUN. I think a lot of people agree with us. More clans on a server = more mass pvp = more FUN, yaayy . We had this for a while on L2 Renaissance but because of bad administration many clans left and now it's time to find a new one. So here's the deal. We will post in this thread our CURRENT SERVER and SERVERS WE ARE LOOKING AT in order to let everyone know, enemies and friends, where they can find us and play with or against us and prove who is the best. We hope other clans will join us in this discussion because we are also looking for worthy enemies and would like to see where people are playing ourselves (just in case we go on a fail server again, maybe we will come on yours, or maybe we can talk and go together on another one). Anyway, the point is to have as many clans in the same place, and this is the best way we could think of for a start. So here it goes, if you would like to join, make a similar answer: You get the picture. Comment, suggest, improve! Also I would like to ask an moderator to pin this thread so rest clans would see it (also solo players are welcomed just for view)
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