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  1. Yeah ofc...
  2. I'm still banned in both forums x0a0xa0x0 :D
  3. www.maxcheaters.com/forums/ Community Forum Software by IP.Board 3.4.5
  4. Whats what i was trying to show.
  5. So each class can beat each directly say.
  6. In specific situations every character class can use ultimates, you are totally non-logic. Typical mind of you guys... thats why Lineage 2 game is dying... You are saying that Original Balance is not Balance... Original Puma Shoes are not Original. I'm not trying to prove that balance exists or no, for me its clear... i'm not playing Official even if its free. But i'm wondering what you guys think its balance?
  7. That's support classes, playable for people who like farm and for people who like to support. Likewise you can say that for every single game like League of Legends, we have support classes there too... this doesn't mean disbalance...
  8. This is curious.
  9. What i'm trying to is show staff of servers how useless is to listen what people are saying about skills land, etc etc... since real players are few.
  10. I'm trying to say is that people doesn't even actually know what they want, since they doesn't know what balance is. Because they are so confused playing crappy custom servers, and doesn't know how actually Lineage 2 looks like.
  11. Thats retail and balance. The balance is not something that like (red). The balance means that there are no class that can kill everything else. Thats Over Power.
  12. Lineage 2 Balance is a theme that can be discussed whole day without final decisions at all. This post is created to show you why there can't be balance in whatever server exists around the world. First of all this is Typical situation of player who is logging in new server. Just because he was playing other server including wings, customs... he thinks that 1999 cast is normal for necromancer. Thats a example how nowadays players doesn't actually know what balance is, and even if they see it they won't recognize it. Thousands of server each year, each server is edited its way... But truth of balance is only one, the OFFICIAL. I've heart even people are saying that in L2Official servers balance doesn't exists. Thats so funnie, its like they just say... that the Dwarf is not Dwarf... The L2Official means original server, everything inside is how it is... the balance in Official because that how suppose to be. Its created how its suppose to be. Here i will stop. I will let you continue in the thoughts: Why can't balance exists.
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