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  1. How about making a new rule for Private Servers section like: If you have nothing good to say, don't speak. Honestly bumping crappy servers with bad commands it's still bumping. I will give example... Server with 3000 people online and its on 3rd page. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=267597.0 And server with not even .com website is on 1rst page. Just becouse they are using it to discuss Freya. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=283243.0 That seems no logic to me... :-beep- yeah: Think something or add votes to topics or whatever just don't let crappy servers stay on 1rst page bumped by people who doesn't actually like them. You know who i am.
  2. Thanks
  3. First of all i would like to excuse myself for making this beautiful post so ugly with my reply. I totally agree with main post! I just wanna say that i'm really sorry people like you stop develop L2J and move away... Really the community needs more people like you, who know the truth and dare to say it. -Stewie
  4. Hi :D :forever alone like a boss:
  5. Well honestly it will protect you from kids, and not from serious attacks.
  6. I need to see full error, can you make 1 better image?
  7. You need to have a valid connection to your MySQL Server first. Do mysql_connect() before using this function.
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