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Posts posted by DarkDiamond

  1. Don't take it so serious when someone is judging your work, u posted it here to receive a feedback of ur work, whats the point of telling them stuff like this when someone is answering.


    Just keep calm, that's how you will become better, if you receive both bad and good comments.


    hope you understood whats my point.


    ofc i understood, i'm trying everyday for the better result... and i care for good/bad words.. So i don't need to worry or fear of them.

  2. Η άποψη μου είναι ότι η Κοσμοτέ δεν έχει καλό σήμα ...




    Επίσης χίλιες φορές να έχεις Vodafone από το να έχεις Cosmote γιατί υπάρχουν κάποιες διαφορές μεταξύ των δύο. Π.χ:Με την Vodafone μπορείς να κάνεις call me back ενώ με την κοσμοτέ δεν γίνεται... και υπάρχει μεγάλη πληθυσμιακή κάλυψη απ'όσο ξέρω με την Vodafone.

  3. Dear Friend... it will be great also to make max level 97 for example :) it's look sweet number also :)


    Depends also what kind of server will be, If will be low-mid rate, will be difficult to get 97(100%) it will takes years :P(Except from addicted players) on the other side if it will be pvp will be awesome..

  4. Hello, As my subject says, this is a newbie's Guide about how to make their own first signature step by step.




    First of all Run your photoshop





    Choose your own options for your signature(Recommended pixels:500x200 & Background:White/Transparent),I choose white.





    Choose your own Background & Render(I cannot help to these choices, are yours),I choose something Random.Be sure that you made your choices well before place background and render.


    This is the result about our choices.





    Choose your own Font for your Text and Subtext to place to your signature as shown to the picture bellow(I choose my installed ones) Just press the T(text) Option and on top of the program shows you the fonts you got allready installed from Program.





    Once and you did all the steps above, now is time to start editing the whole work we did until now(add texts,subtexts etc.) So as i said above press the T option and start typing your own text as shown to the picture bellow.:





    If you want to use it to any community, follow the Actions as shown bellow:


    #1:Press File




    #2:Press Save For Web & Devices




    #3:It will opens you a window as shown bellow(Preset Option must Be: Png once and we didn't made animations to our signature.)




    Final Result:




    Credits: DarkDiamond

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