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About L2Quincy

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. server close cuse ppl have big lag we change dedi and we open again!
  2. all server in grand opening have lag we open now and all player join 150 players join is the first 2 hours...
  3. you dont see server how you know if its fail?
  4. update and sorry :P
  5. today server will open!
  6. man sorry but l2j and mid rate server = close server in 3 days ( and you have not ddos protection ) :S
  7. thx
  8. www.l2quincy.com Rates & Enchants: * Experience: 5000x * Skill Points: 5000x * Adena Drop: 5000x * Item Drop 1x * Safe Enchant : +3 * Weapon Max Enchant : +16 * Armor Max Enchant : +16 * Jewels Max Enchant : +16 * Normal Enchant : 75% Max Enchant +15 * Blessed Enchant : 100% Max Enchant +15 * Crystall Enchant : 45% Max Enchant +16 (If Break Goes +15) Server Features: * Full Geodata Protection * No Corruptions * Starting Level 80 * Custom Enchant Skills * Custom Mobs * Auto-Learn Skills * Balanced Classes * Wedding System * Clan Hall System * No Clan Penalty * Castle Siege System * No Weight Penalty * No Grade Penalty * New character start with 500kk adena * Sub-Class Without Quest * Noblesse System * Olympiad System * Olympiad Period : 1 Week * Duel System * Augmentation System * Buff Slots : 60 * Buffs Time :4 hours * Max Subclasses = 3 * Max Subclass level = 80 * Max Alliances = 3 * All Noblesse Skills * All Hero Skills * All Augmentation Skills * All flood protections * Fully DDoS Protection * Custom Start up zone - Giran * Retail-Like Enchant Skills System * C4 / C5 / Interlude Skills * Interlude Skills 99% Working * All C4 / C5 / Interlude Monsters * All C4 / C5 / Interlude Locations * Unstuck Command 20 seconds * Top Grade Life Stone 23% Chance * Max Runspeed = 350 * Max Evasion = 250 * Character inventory slots = 200 * Npc Crest For Castles * PK Title Color System Custom Commands: * .online * .deposit * .withdraw * .repair * .farm1 (Safe Farm Zone) * .farm2 (PvP Farm Zone) Server Events: * Custom GM Events * Team VS Team Event * Dice Event Custom Coins: * Vote Coin * Farm Coin * Noblesse Coin * Hero Coin (Lasts 24 hours) Extra Edits: * L2Quincy Tattoo[10% Hp/Cp/Mp] * Custom RaidBoss (Respawn Time : 1 hour) * Retail Bosses (Respawn Time : 3 hour) Custom Npcs: * Full Buffer * Global Gatekeeper * GM Shop * Class Manager * Clan Manager * Weding Manager * Top Players List NPC Info * About Server NPC Info * Account Manager * Warehouse Keeper * Symbol Maker * Mass Siege Manager * Augmenter * Anti-Farm Mob Custom Zones: * Olympiad Town * Safe Farm Zone * PvP/PK Farm Zone * Mass PvP Zone * Raid Boss Zone Server Machine & Protection: * Dedicated Machine:ONLINE * Website:ONLINE * Forum:ONLINE * Ddos Protection : ONLINE * LameGuard:ONLINE * L2 Walker Protection:ONLINE * All flood protections:ONLINE * Spawn Portection = 5sec:ONLINE * Olympiad Protection:ONLINE * TvT Event Protection:ONLINE * PvP Farming Protection:ONLINE * Buff Delay Protection:ONLINE Why You Should Join?: * No lag * 95% of classes balanced * 95% of skills balanced * No rollback * Easy Farm * Helpful Staff
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