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Everything posted by NezL

  1. yea ofc u can.. and u can cash out only via paypal or u can donate the money u earn to some charities
  2. I dont have my own payment proofs since i joined some days ago.. but in google u can find many proofs ... ITS NOT COIN GENERATION
  3. I just found a website where you can sign up and you can make money just by leaving your pc running its better than some of these other scam ones ive seen.looks legit Btw u need some time to get activated They will not activate your account if they detect: The software is running in the cloud There are multiple accounts with the same email address You have registerd multiple machines that are simultaneously running in multiple countries Paypal is standard paid out each month automatically.will not get rich overnight but can make some spear $$$ for sure. PM me for direct link. PS : THE SITE I FOUND IS NOT https://coingeneration.com/
  4. Bitcoin (BTC) is a cryptocurrency first introduced in 2008 which was known to be an electronic cash system. It is entirely based on a cryptography protocol and does not have a central authority. Each bitcoin has eight decimal places, forming 100 million smaller units called satoshis. Bitcoins are usually transferred or transmitted through a computer device or through a smartphone and there is never an intermediate financial institution. There are servers called bitcoin miners that processes the trasactions done using Bitcoins. There is a ledger located in these servers and every transactions are archived and confirmed by adding them to the ledger. And through every ledger update, some bitcoins are created. The number of bitcoins created is halved every 4 years such that there would be no new bitcoins by 2140. So the maximum amount of bitcoins at that moment would be around 21 million which is quite alot. Ofcourse there is no guarantee that BitCoin will stay that long unfortunately. Bitcoins are now accepted in trade by merchants, online users and other individuals these days. Unfortunately, lots of illicit drug transactions are done using BitCoins too due their high security and easiness of transaction. Bitcoins can be sent and received through various ways. There are lots of websites and applications allowing you to do safe transactions on BitCoins. Any user can have any number of Bitcoin addresses which you can use to send and receive bitcoins. They are like email addresses, but just that they look a bit weird. The bitcoin address is a logn string of characters which looks similar to 1dm20918md0129d029mdd21. There are many vendors out there offering you banknotes and coins which have bitcoin denominations on them. You'll get a bitcoin private key along with it while purchasing and you can verify your balanceby breaking a seal to get access to the key. How do you get Bitcoins? The easiest way is to go to a market, and buy it outright but the market is really unpredictable and it is not quite the best idea. At around $135 USD per bitcoin, the direction of the bitcoin is not easy to guess. In short, you should probably mine some bitcoins. But what is bitcoin mining? To make it easy for you, think of mining as a work done by a very large group of people in solving a problem. For example finding the nth term of a huge series of numbers or maybe trying to find a key that can be used to decrypt the password for a file. And these are called blocks. But whenever you find one, it gets harder to find as time progresses. So nowadays you need high-performance computers to find them. But when it comes to Bitcoins, it is not about solving these problems; it is about finding a sequence of data which is usually called a block that produces a particular pattern when the Bitcoin 'hash' algorithm is applied to the data. So whenever a match occurs, the miner obtains Bitcoin. The size of the bitcoins you receive reduces as more bitcoins are mined. The difficulty of searching and finding these blocks are increased to that it becomes more difficult to find one. So combining both these factors, it reduces the time rate at which Bitcoins are produced. Bitcoins are often rated in hashes per second. With the difficulty and the bounty settings at a particular time, it is possible to calculate the expected rate of a Bitcoin production. This requires heavy PC specs and nowadays, people use their Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) to do this work. They are massive and they are strong. With a good PC along a great graphics card, you could earn upto 0.04 BTC per day. But this can vary hugely depending on your specs. The process of finding blocks is so popular these days that the difficulty of finding a block is so high and it could take upto 3 whole years for you to find a block and generate any coin. While you could get a machine aside to do the job, by time you've mined some coins, the energy cost will cost more than what the actual bitcoins are worth. There is an ingenious solution to overcome this problem. And it is called Pooled Mining which we will see in the next section.
  5. well u cant be banned for that reason like that.. ;)
  6. i said that u need proxy? no i dont . upload a picture here
  7. no no.. autopilot will increase your earnings u need a good strategy and method to get 100$ a day i can help u with that..
  8. show me proofs u cant get banned like this.. so stop spaming on my thread. ty
  9. ninj4styl3 i dont talk to u.. what is ur problem?
  10. Hi Guys I'm looking Active Referrals for My account.... I can join on every site u want and press all ads everyday.. Rules: 1. You must have to click on 7 days a week.. 2. If you don't click today I also stop clicking on tommorow. 3. 3 days Inactivity finishes our deal (unless you pm me & inform me about your Inactivity). Here is my referral link http://www.probux.com/?r=mrnokioz when u will join just send me a pm with ur refferal link.. im online like 15/24 hours a day :)
  11. u can earn 100$ a day with probux autopilot will increase your earnings and if u want guides about how to manage referrals etc just pm me
  12. First of all, sign up here: Go ahead and click that register button and do all your details. Once your email is confirmed click View ads. Here you view adds to make money from your pro-bux account. This would take AGE’s normally so here are some programs you’re going to need to autopilot this. 1: Mozilla Firefox 2: Greasemonkey 3: Probux Auto Click for Grease monkey. Install all of those then restart Firefox. When this is done go back to probux.comand click view ads. You may notice that in the bottom right they is a little box. That box is viewingall the ads. If it says Reloading they are no more ads available so it’s reloading the script waiting for more ads to come in. Now you have a little bit off money coming in, but that’s not what you’re getting your money from. You need to get referrals. Click on My Account then click “Referrals” Under “Useful links” Depending on your probux balance you can buy referrals, alternatively add some money using PayPal because you will earn that back soon enough. After getting some referrals they will be earning money for you! Click back to View Ads and autopilot some more ads and just do your own thing on another browser such as Chrome or Internet Explorer (I advise using Chrome) Keep buying more and more referrals and recycle those with alow click average. Keep buying more and more referrals REMEMBER NOT TO WITHDRAW ANY MONEY Once you have a nice $70 in your account upgrade to gold to earn even more money and be able to have more referrals Once you hit 1000 referrals it’s basically autopilot. You can start withdrawing your money now. Note: this will take some time to get started. Once it gets going you will make lots of money. You canalso rent referrals to get more money (I highly recommend this.) $5 LR, PayZa should help a lot. Fire fox- http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/ Grease Monkey- https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/greasemonkey/ Auto click - http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/154256 If u registered with my referral link. just pm me and i will give u a complete ebook about probux and how to manage ur referrals to make profit -NezL
  13. fast and save. ty :D
  14. thx for the help but i did it already.. no one send me back a pm
  15. UP. please i need them fast...
  16. Hello dude, i can sell u one account at Bronze II (50 points) with all that players u want + all cary champions and 9 rune pages.
  17. Introduction: As a personal experiment I have decided to sign up to Probux with an initial investment of $20. The aim of this experiment is to determine how profitable PTC sites are as well as to earn some stable $$$ for myself. I understand PTC sites aren't meant for big earnings but a few dollars for a few minutes of work is quite a good reward for the time spent. In saying this, I am also aware that many users on this forum have troubles earning even $5 per day so hopefully this thread will be able to give them some motivation and some guidance to earn some online money. As the thread title suggests, I will be re-investing EVERY SINGLE CENT that I receive into renting more referrals so that my earnings can continually grow. Please note: I will be relying on the earnings of my reffs rather than my own clicks and I will only be clicking the minimum of 4 clicks daily in order to receive the earnings from my reffs. For those of you PTC experts, please feel free to give me some tips or guidance as well, seeing as though I haven't done PTC myself in ages If anyone want to help me with my earnings and want to make his journey too please join to probux from THIS LINK and pm me with ur username.. i will send u an ebook with many methods on how to be Successful on ProBux 11/7/2013 I will need to wait 7 days before I can make my initial investment of $20 18/7/2013 7 days are up and I just purchased 100 reffs, party has officially started :) Main balance: $0.2310 21/7/2013 recycled 20 Referrals earlier today as they didnt click for 4 days straight. http://gyazo.com/a94e8abe1c61105620b45d369a0aafb5 22/7/2013 http://gyazo.com/216e79dafab81fe162cdd2490289be1f My RR clicks seem to be increasing day by day, I'm quite amazed by the results that I am achieving. I recycled 7 of my referrals who haven't clicked for the past 4 days so hopefully that boosts my earnings as well :) Here's the graph showing my referral clicks for the past few days: http://gyazo.com/b099947a17f5ba61ee496d5faafee670 23/7/2013 Not much has happened today, only earned 30 cents but keep in mind I have auto pay on :) http://gyazo.com/3007e58ba65f2c45f1e274b0908a5a7f 24/7/2013 No image. AVG: 1.99 25/7/2013 http://gyazo.com/09e078d9707576444152d8a8120548c4 218 clicks today, purchased an additional 10 RR seeing as though I had some money in the account 26/7/2013 No Image. Rented Referrals: 110 Clicks: 254 Btw my autopay value : http://prntscr.com/1hsfu9 27/7/2013 clicks: 222 http://prntscr.com/1hzohb referral clicks for the past few days http://prntscr.com/1hzo8d
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