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About iDarius

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
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  • Interests
    Perfection,Its Impossible.

iDarius's Achievements


Newbie (1/16)



  1. It seems he says Welcome to Lineage 2 :happyforever:
  2. Broke my wep??Lol From the time i enterd this server i have 3 hours TOP.Made my wep +34 not 1 time i broke it..QQ all day??Its improvement to your server Dude..It show's how Kid This Admin is [Elessar]. :not bad:
  3. Dude its not FAKE... :lied: This Server is a Total Kid Creation ... Making enchants +10 safe and max + 65535?? tattoos OP CUSTOM ,weps CUSTOM ,classes BUGGED i dont know what u was thing before u Open'd this server But its Sure a Kid's Brain.and + L2Dose System?? :happyforever: :happyforever: 1st This Server Could be Cool with Max enchant 16/20 safe 10 Max a Speed 1.5k when its 2k.[u said These Suggestion's Suck]Well Think Again Dude. Custom weps Out.same as Tattoos make a bracelet or something to give 5% extra stats. Anyway u have Failed once Again Bcz of your Kid Brainz. >:D
  4. LOL :happyforever: :happyforever: :happyforever:
  5. Website Down Server Down=DDos
  6. +1 and Africa is BIG ;)
  7. Too many people on site thats why ^-^
  8. Same here i need a w8 patch that fix = Nothing..
  9. Seems so :forever alone like a boss:
  10. DarkCore can u add a w8 system ??? ty
  11. hahaha Epic Lagg OMFG..
  12. im Playing With H5 Client ^-^
  13. Epic GrandOpenning!!Bravo.. :troll: :troll: Btw Aurora Epic Gif HAHAHAHAHAH. :happyforever:
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