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About ericpetsen

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  1. bump
  2. it works http://l2premium.com/acm/
  3. bump
  4. check the counter at the website. Yes cov/magnus and renewal are available at the npc buffer.
  5. Nobody is forced to play guys. If you don't like the features or something else just don't join and stop spam at this topic. I already told you once if you keep spamming i must report you.
  6. bump
  7. - Implanted /exp command ( exp gain enabled/disabled ) download the newest patch for that - reduced boss cancel skill reuse delay and hit time - Divine inspiration isn't auto learned anymore. ( You can learn it with divine inspiration book )
  8. bump
  9. bump
  10. - added Gatekeeper on Primeval island - spawned shop and buffer at Primeval island wharf - reworked the buffer's layout and functionality 'added animation while buffer buffs you 'added "info" at the buffer( now you can see informations near buffs )
  11. bump
  12. ty :)
  13. you are welcome to join us
  14. bump
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