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Everything posted by Glamour

  1. up still didnt sell it yet.
  2. Price is updated again the last price is ; 50 EUROS mail me here ; turkbars@gmail.com or add skype ; turkbarrs
  3. Price is updated New price is 60 EUROS
  4. I want to sell my Yul. It is 97 lv and %80+. Its an empty char just some stuffs but useful stuffs i wont count em in trade. My price is 70 Euros. For more info and if you want to buy it ; Mail ; turkbars@gmail.com or add here Skype ; turkbarrs.
  5. Im looking for 95-99 yul at core server. Char can be full equip. or empty, can be any race. You can pm me here with your offers thanks from now.
  6. Trusted Seller. Just bought without problem you can trust :) Thanks dude.
  7. Character is 99 lvl i just reseted dual class and its 85 lvl healer now (bored thats why :))I will sell it with all items here is the infos about items ; - Bound Eternal Heavy Set all pieces +4 / 120 attr. - Bound Specter Cutter ( health ) +6 / 300 attr. - Jewels ; - Frintezza Necklace +4 - Top resistance earring Shock +4 - Standart Eternal Earring +5 - Blessed Eternal Ring +5 - Bound Eternal Ring +4 At warehouse ; Twilight and Seraph Heavy sets some pieces are +4 ( breasplates for sure ) and some pieces are 120 attr. And i have some l2store items in wh dunno exactly what are those and some more stuffs etc. i wont count them in price. My offer is 300€ . you can add me in skype or mail to me. Skype ; turkbarrs Mail ; turkbars@gmail.com
  8. As tittle says WTS 99 sigel at Core server. For more info mail me (turkbars@gmail.com).
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