Hi Luffy i have few questions about the srv:
- Will it be npc buffer? What kind of buffs will be there? Still counter critical/dance of berserker etc?
- Will it be gm shop? If yes, tell me what grade will be max?
- How many buffs u can get?
- Will it be mana pots?
- Is dualbox allowed? How about multibox?
- How about donations? I saw +25 weapon for donation items. Is this only for beta or it will be the same at real?
And 2 bugs i saw in beta:
- When u have buff scheme with all buff and try to click remove buffs button, game made crash. Fix it please.
- Also if u choose all buffs (16 dances etc.) at scheme and click scheme name to buff yourself u get only 12 or 10 (don't remember).
Thx for info and sorry for my english :)