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About AlessL2

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  1. This video is probably one of the best promotional videos i ever seen.
  2. GMs said they wont block dualbox cuz always has some ways to box like virtualmachine, etc, and few people can box and a lot cant.. so they will let everyone box as many they want
  3. I don't think so. You're probably thinking this community is like, people from lol 1000x pvp servers, which isnt the case. Also, there are retards everywhere.. polish, romenians, russians, etc. Tho, Brazil has a huge gamer community, so has a good chance to u find retards. Anyway, this server is going to be amazing. Retail files, with amazing features, no itens donations... also they're giving full support in english in forums, and new website will be fully english also. I think everyone should give a shot about it.
  4. Everyone that has problems with delay should test www.directip.com.br - in lower buttom at left side you can choose the language =p so far everyone from EU that test it said it worked good.
  5. GM said they will see some tunnel/proxy or something to EU players test it out. Well, i'm brazilian, and i have 90 ping atm, with 35 mbps connection :P Server is hosted in Dallas, Texas. So far, this server has the best features out there, everyone should give a try.
  6. Besides its a BR server, they have the retail files, thas for sure. Just tested it out that last weekend, EVERYTHING works perefctly. Also in forums they have area for international community, and was said everything is automated (like donations), and they will use the same bot protection as Dex.. it means bot/corruption free? Well, looks fine. And I'm tired already about russian servers/russian administration.
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