I couldn't get IG walker working on l2tritan. What should I do? ;_;
Thanks in advance.
Ps. if someone has a working oog to this server it would be fine too.
Edit. Sorry, realized that maybe some sort of a description of the problem MIGHT help a bit. >_>
So I use IG 1.79 and when I put the l2.exe path there and try to click run the program doesn't do anything. Interesting fact is also that when I click the l2.exe the game doesn't start like it should (the process starts but I can't see the window anywhere). Well I hope this would help even a bit.
Edit2. ... Ehm, just noticed it uses bake ice. So never mind and sorry to bother. :(
I can log in game with this walker, I see the HP/MP of mobs and NPC, but I can't get it to work otherwise. When I press begin combat, nothing happens. My toon just stands there. And the server is ofc retail Hindemith.