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Posts posted by Myura

  1. Never buy from randoms, there are sites who sell adena and items if you really wish to spend your money. Check for reviews first or ask around if others had issues with the site before. Start with low transactions so you will risk only few euros, dont jump to think people are honest, this scams are going on for years.

  2. l2 is dead and ppl come up with *classic* version, wich have way more less content that hi5 for example, where u get bored after 2 weeks or at least this is my opinion! 

    yes there was fun times back in 2005 but... there was nothing better ...

    i guess this days they run out of ideeas on privates to get some players attention.... talk in few months.

    if u rly want to have succes add some customization in ur server( my advice )

    gl with ur project

  3. Averia... one of the best l2 servers i ever played!

    But ... english support is minimal and there is no place for english speakers players since the community is 99.9% Russian based or different countrys who speak Russian... fluent.

    I play on several servers since few years now and everytime same problem, u cant never find players to create or join an international clan. 

    Since most Russian players see u(english speaking player ) like an enemy is excluded to join in most clans or partys, kinda sad to play a MMORPG solo.


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  5. just visited... i dont know if to laugh or to cry for this server ... i will laugh better :)

    fake online 600 players :))

    maybe 50-70 player bots afk in giran :))

    all farm zones and lvl zones empty :))

    beside giran where are bots, all towns empty :))

    on forums only GM posting, no reply from any user.. GM posting and GM reply :))

    i spend more then 30 min in giran, no one even moved, no one speak, no one answer, no trades, no shouts, no hero voice... everything dead :))

    unplug the power cable pls, u wasting precious energy :))

  6. server looks nice, but 50 players online :(

    nice features, donations, ctrl panel etc

    why you need to pay for "dress me" option when u can only choose normal sets appearance, add some unique costumes if u want real money for that, put free normal ones or whatever.

    in the future, when u open another server dont add npc like this RB GK, RB spawn timer and RB observer lol, it ruins all the fun of camping, creating summoners, noblese for toi 13, etc, i also dont want to play in a server where everyone can see on an NPC the exact RB spawn time and TP on a grand boss with 1 click and also see what is happening inside.

  7. On 15/09/2017 at 8:51 PM, Blue305 said:

    same files L2Liona / Era uses. shitty ones with edited LoA mobs. dragon knights with 128k hp and 0.7 chance of spoil on beas on 15x spoil . waste of time

    i am going to test it anyways and reply with a rewiew later this week, gl with ur project l2hype.

  8. On 18/09/2017 at 4:17 PM, chris9 said:

    Hello Aeron doggy, you are banned cause you try to use bot as all we know,next "the ADMINS rules" you think they let free players who flame and destroy them project? did your ever try to open server?
    they give a lot of money,cant 1 kid like you destroy them with spam on shout etc,so go to your "AERON" and let that guys with us that we like to play free... gl

    Aeron doggy ?! hahaha. why u talk like u know me? i dont even play on this aeron server and i never mention it in any of my posts.

    ur the dog buddy, why u keep this server side ? ur gm doggie? close friend?

    i dont care honest, this reef server is fail !

    u already know that i was using bot, how ? u are in my pc? u can see my files? just kidding .

    i know for a fact ur brainwashed, u talk in someones defense without knowing real facts, but hey thats a loyal dog do.

    first u come here and acuse me of using bot, then u call me a liar, then u say i was flaming the server on shout,

    so i got few questions for u:

    what was my char name ?

    why would i use a bot when server have antibot ?

    who is this "we" who knew i was banned for"try" to use a bot?

    P.S> since u came here insulting me without any real evidence of what u write in ur post its obvious u are a friend of gm or part of the staff of this trash server.

    i can reveal my char name and ur friend gm reef can upload some pics with server logs where i am flaming char or "try" to use a bot

     i can prove i didnt do nothing of what u said, can u ?

    about "the project" , yes i opened servers in my home for fun and testing, but never a public server, thats why i know all this "hard work" is copy-paste l2reef and ppl like u and this gm killed l2.

    gl... dog



  9. i decided to test this new server and i left with a very bad experience! after not more than 20 min of "playing"!

    chat is auto editing my writing, if i say "fail server" in any kind of chat it atomatically says " vote for server" ! ( so much for free will)

    if anyone says anything bad about ther server GM kick and ban him ! a GM braking his own rules and ban ppl for no reason

    mobs in farm areas have same difficulty in safe(easy zone), medium and hard zone, only drop is different !

    was going to test more but got intrerupted by a small ban cuz i talking with a player on general chat about this "fail" with farm zones.

    fail server and fail admin kid!! i can say :)




  10. Hello, this server is waste of time, i suggest to pack your stuff and go home, unless you change everything from zero.

    1 top weapon is 20 gold coins( clean), with a fighter lvl 85 S grade +4 weapon you can farm in 1 minute around 1-1.2k cooper coins , so lets say and average of 60.000 k cooper coins per hour.

    1 gold = 1.000.000 cooper coins ( coins are not tradeable)

    this mean a 16hr farm for 1 gold coin and a 320hr for a top freya weapon. if you play 8 hr per day this mean you need 40 days to farm only for weapon.

    then another 40 days freya set and another 40 days for the elegia jewels set. 

    if you are unlucky and you need a top shiled or sigil another 3 gold coins.

    so 120 days farming 8 hr per day to get a  top clean set, weapon and jewels.

    but dont worry, things can be better, one guy with a top weapon and attribute was farming around 3 k coins per minute, so 3 times faster than me.

    do i   need to say there is a platinum coin too wich is 1k gold coins, with 1 platinum coin you can buy a +10 custom set similar with R95 and R99 sets on official.

    so 1 platinum coin is impossible to get.

    now the real problem of the server ... in the best farm area is around 50 mobs so who ever think about the server population was estimated to max 100 active ppl and in this situation you can say its crowded already.

    lets say it takes around 1 month to gear up and start pvp, what happen after ? no real content, only endless repetitive coin farming and the GM shop is too poor, no alt-b options,no usefull npc in main town.




  11. yeaaa averiaaaaa . last time when i played i got 7k dmg from soulhound wich is rly OP( 1 sh kill 5 ppl ... 5-7k dmg on each).....

    cancel is 100% and community is 99% russian ... gl & hf if u wanna join i reccomand sps/sorc/da/and 100% SH !

    p.s my dagger full +30 skills / pvp buffs +30 / epics / Vorpal set +6 lvl 7 ... bla bla

  12. All mid rates serv wont stay longer then 2 month. So people expect tales to open new serv...

    Tales is about 3.5k real online ( 15k player ingame with fake online )

    There is some other serv with 750 real online ( 2/3k players ingame with fake online ) like l2 world and other serv who are close and will open again soon.

    But you guy are talking about a serv with 75 real online ( 200 ingame with fake online ).


    So even if tales is corrupted, bugged or anything else.

    Who wanna play on 75 online player w/o pvp ( oh you killed 1 guy yesterday? xD ) when you can play on other serv ( tales, divinity, world, ... ) with people online.


    Just explain me...

    Community is growing every day , files are super here better than divinity , world etc

     and dont get me with pvp any server i played with 200 or 3k online everywhere is same lll all buch of pussies who dont do shit unteil they gear up ... my clan send wars to all server only 2-3 send back , rest farm ftw

    show me 3.5 k from tales real ... onest even off have less and u come here with fairy tales :D

    if tales have real 3.5k online the players should be like 2.5-3x times more cuz everyone log boxes to farm and for buffs ... this was the "real"  number when tales started no ? no so many quit ...

    and the main reason that i dont play on tales is cuz Stalone made a comercial server and he modify everything to win $$ , so many k players on server and only few elegia set lmao !

  13. soo many haters ... try at least the server ...

    this one have better files than tales

    better go play there where u get ban so u can pay 15 euro for unban and make 40+ freya extreme and dont make not even 1 full elegia set cuz only jewels and shield drop , and freya low wepons dont drop almost at all . 

    go donate like others for +12 and play l2 ... make ur master Stalone rich :D

    all u can show here is fear , that some other server may have a chance to grow up and u come with program and shits to show ppl otherwise .... rly ?

    if u read my replys to new servers at least i go make a test and post my opinion and a fair rewiew , i dont need a program to tell me about number of players or the future of it .

    but is a fact 90% of real players quit from diff reasons and now the creme come here and act like pros , u dont even know what ur talking about in ur posts most of the time  , geez ppl need to stop smokin' ... u log l2net and then come here and post ur opinion about what program is telling u .

    beside tales wich is going to fall rly soon what server have 1k clean players  ? anyone ?! maybe russian servers   :D

  14. server have 0 protection , l2tower, l2net, phx , and others are working fine

    many problems at server start ... around 150 ppl online

    another bunch of amators who belive they open a great server

    on a scale from 1* to 10* this server can have nice 3* max (very bad)

    one advice : wipe ... put lameguard or whatever ... start over , this time be serious !

  15. Which of these you can't understand?


    well first, u see vesper gaiters foundation give 185% hold sleep atacks , is this just a visual bug or its real ?

    second , since when u can add 6 attributes on a single armor piece? i made a big break since hi5 update was on off and i dont remember this part !

    third , they have olf tshirt in donations 

    • Donation system that does not affect the in-game balance

    how can extra stats dont count as unbalance?

  16. Waste more of your years on lineage 2 privates...for real...jesus fcking christ there are so many f2p games out there on year 2015 soon and ya all still play this garbage...PLEASE MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERCY

    i dont understand u at all brah , 

    so we dont waste our time with l2 ... we need to waste it with another f2p ? 

    who r u to tell ppl how to waste theyr time ?

    stop smokin brah , is bad for ur brains :D

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