Welcome today i sell my server pack with source , server based on l2jserver with modyfications and more features
Special Features
1 Custom cancellation system :
When you get cancelled, you regain all your lost effects again after 10 seconds. Making cancel worthwhile without it being annoying or overpowered. You will also get notified with an on-screen message when your buffs are restored. Working with all of type cancels, banes, Touch of death, Steal divinity, hero pole.
2 Kililng Spree system :
You will get publicly broadcasted after you kill 5/10/15/20/25/etc people consecutively without dying( have reward for spree).
3 Automated vote reward systems : for hopzone and topzone . protection is enabled for 1 reward per IP / no dual boxes first voting and later put .reward Comand
4 custom balance :
Adjusted several skills to maintain the best PvP-Experience
5 14 New Custom cloaks :
We have 14 new cloaks ( God )
6 Nexus Enigne :
Nexus Event engine which brings an awesome events and mini games with many nice features. Current working automatic events: TvT, CTF, DM, Domination, Mass Domination, LMS, Advanced TvT, Lucky Chests. Mini events: Korean Style TvT, Single Player Fights, Party Fights and Mini TvT with a lot of maps and modes.
7 Pvp Arena Solo By teams:
Custom Arena Solo by Teams Red and blue , have autobalance Teams , nick protection ( change for class )
7 Pvp Arena:
Clasic Pvp Zone whit autoflagg
9 Dressme:
Comand .dressme
Other Info: Auto Learn Skills (including Forgotten). Balance system of professions. Freya Armors, Wepons, Jewels After death buffs are not disappearing. Various Different PVP title colors. Working Offline Trading. Max. Sub-Class: 3. Olympiad Proteccion and system anti-feed Olympiad Period - 1 week. New heroes appears on every Saturday
Npc Unique :
Gm Shop
Buffer ( protecction lag and olys )
Gatekeper ( Protection cant use in mode battle )
Ranking Pvp | Pk | Clan Npc
Ranking Olympiad
Epic Raid Info Respawn
Npc Enchant Normal
Npc Enchant Donator
Npc Service
Contact on Skype : ferdark1234
IMAGES HERE : http://l2evadine.webatu.com/