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About vesperakos

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  1. I will give the items to the person who makes a good offer to buy and THEN he pays me. But i m not gonna reveal my hacks for nothing. You know if someone knows thats i m going to hack anything on his server he can find out what i do, so i ll give proofs only to ppl who want to buy something. ps: I cant hack *all* the servers, but a lot of them. You mean www.l2inc.eu?
  2. I am selling everything you may want on a lot of l2off and l2j servers. Pm me with the servers url (ex. l2blabla.com), the server's ip (if you know it, but there is no problem if you dont), what you want to buy (ex. items/skills) and the money that you will pay for them (ex. 9chars xp + vesper max ench + special weapon max ench + multi skill 3.000 euro's *prices differs for each server*). Trade procedure: I will give you what you want and you must pay me, if you dont i take em back ;) If i dont reply you back it means: a) The server is unhackable (for now) b) The money that you will pay doesnt worth few month in prison if i get caught :P
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