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About Gigajob

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  1. I am not support Skype. I asked You to provide information specified me mailbox, and you in turn are some nonsense. You're not even in the customer database, what can it be? I would go to meet You, and you in turn again. I can't think of anything except what you just simply fool head and stare into the defamation of the project. GL4Y
  2. tatwizard I can deal with Your application only as a provocation aimed to undermine the reputation of the project rivals or enemies. Please, provide information about the transaction on the specified me e-mail. If you really bought and have not received claimed, we will solve this question as soon as possible.
  3. We are not scammers, we have 10 clients satisfied services rendered. Before you shout about fraud try to understand properly. Write to me on a personal mailbox all the information requested (l2jgroup@yandex.ru)
  4. New update information published! http://l2jgroup.ru/
  5. Oh my god... files send for you email a long time ago, if not then contact technical support by e-mail! That stupidity, not to contact with us, and writing for the third party forums.
  6. You are very wrong :-) Why so much aggression in our address? That we ever done to you?! :-D You stupid envious people... :-) PS: new update published
  7. New update information published! http://l2jgroup.ru/
  8. Released new update, detailed information on our website http://l2jgroup.ru/
  9. Published information about new update, details on website project http://l2jgroup.ru/
  10. Hello! We have a user agreement, in the framework of which we observe confidentiality of and do not distribute information about client servers. http://l2jgroup.ru/docs/agreement/ (use google chrome + translate plugin) Ask this question on the forum, perhaps someone from clients will give You the answer. Is better to ask on both forums (RU/EU).
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