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Everything posted by teamviewer

  1. Hello guys, i want to ask to help me adapt this code... Orginal code: https://pastebin.com/cj8DqeUk I tried and stuck on those: https://pastebin.com/EFKAuAV5
  2. From java side this pack is shit, but other think this pack is best here. :)
  3. Nothing wrong whit item, so whatafuck you saying?
  4. Chargeback? he gets item... if he does it he gets ban on PayPal.
  5. Whatever dude i warm him 3days before server start, he could just change server name and be ok. Now its too late.
  6. Before i sell him i tell him don't use the excess name. If i know he uses a name, i do not sell files. I give chance him to close server, but he ignores me. It's his own fault. Server files are mine I do whatever i wanna.
  7. L2-Excess Custom Interlude Ready To Go[Based Gevorack pack] Project ready to start Tested live I sell some idiot files, I tell him not use server name, but he did not listen, I ask him to change a name but he ignores me. So i decide to share server files whit, everyone, so be it.. This pack is best now custom interlude server. I spend a lot of time to fixing bugs and add customs and others thinks. Now that idiot website: http://www.l2excess.com/ Go check and test everything is same. If you think this pack is trash, he made in 3days +400eu, so please think about using it. Btw My friend start server now is in test mode, please check if you like: http://www.l2dragonwind.com/ Link to download: https://mega.nz/#!Z7IEAaLZ!nL63zLsFhJiioN7YX9HrRbrRBhy5mqEl14fjFLGMiSQ Server Patch http://www.mediafire.com/file/3osao8ukd3abrwk/system(2).rar https://www.4shared.com/rar/zy6ErsZYca/L2-Excess__NOBACKDOOR_.html Server Rates :::::::::::... - RateXp = 2000. - RatePartyXp = 2000. - RateDropAdena = 2000. - Drop: 1x. - Spoil: 1x. - Safe enchant: +5 (on all) - Max Weapon Enchant: +30 - Max whit Crystal Scrolls Enchant: +35 - Normal Scrolls: 60% - Blessed Scrolls: 90% - Crystal Scrolls: 100% - PvP server, Average farm. ...::::::::::: LifeStones :::::::::::... - High Grade LS Chance = 15% - Top Grade LS Chance = 20% ...::::::::::: Custom server :::::::::::... - Custom Weapons: Dusk weapons, Infinity weapons, Monster Weapons - Custom Armors: Apella armors and Custom Skins - Custom Tattoo: All tattoo - Custom Wings: Epic Wings, Pixie wings, Baium Hair, Kamael Wings, Goddess hairs, Butterfly Wings, Shock Wings - Custom Mask: Golden Mask -=Custom Npc's=- - GM Shop - Custom Trader - Custom Buffer - Global GateKeeper - Skill Enchant Manager - Augument Manager - Nobless Manager - Class Manager - Wedding Manager - Olympiad Manager - Siege Manager - Top PvP/Pk List - Boss Info ...::::::::::: Generel Features :::::::::::... - Sieges duration: 90 minutes. - 90% Balaced PvP/Oly. - Unique PvP zone, every 1hour zone changed. - Raid bosses spawn every 2 hour. - GM EVENT TIME 20:00 Gmt +2 - In game you can change password. - Olympiad period is every week. - NPC Buffer duration 3 hours ( 60 buffs). - Custom event, TvT, DM. - Auto Events every hour. - Custom/Clan Raid Bosses with special drop. - Special Farm/Start/Pvp zones - L2Phx,L2Walker, Anti DDos protection. ...::::::::::: Commands :::::::::::... .dressme Replaces the characters appearance. .menu Main menu about server and more. .status Show players status /gmlist See if there's any Gm online. .exit Leave pvp zone.
  8. Maybe add new rules, if make modernators angry on you they delete your theme without any notice.
  9. OMG ITS NOT ON MY PC ITS IN VPS, FFS AND CONNECTIONS IS VERY GOOD NOW 250ppl playing Did you event tested? or just delete my theme becouse i made similar server like perseus?
  10. Here is my acis pack http://postimg.org/image/ac2j55x5z/
  11. I don't use this pack, i use acis pack....
  12. That not reason delete my topic from "Private Server" my theme modernators... I read your rules 3times and i not break them.
  13. I don't understand why this theme so popular. :D
  14. Hi, i wanna ask there way optimize server memory, i use 4gb ram vps, i didin't use full geodata, only giran castle and olympiad stadium. and i use 3.7gm ram, how to optimize memory best way?
  15. Sorry no need anymore sry for spam (LOCK PLEASE)
  16. Hi anyone got on acis enchanter npc? I wanna npc, give item him, and he ++ any item your choise.(boots, gloves, weapon etc.) (No offtopic please)
  17. Share if you wanna, i take shared npc from ru sites. its okey for me :D
  18. Its not my pack, if you don't know :D, i use acis :D And its random pack. I Stole only L2-Excess server name, but its not call stole, when no one use it.
  19. Hi anyone have promotion code? i rly need :)
  20. Hi, i found bug in acis pack, when you start clan war, you need click ctrl to kill clan war enemy. How to fixs that? i need auto ctrl.
  21. Hi i have problem whit Integer[] sks, i do this command becouse i don't wanna stack some auguments together, now i wanna remove jis java code, but still works in server. Please help Foto: http://postimg.org/image/9ap8lwez7/ L2Skills http://pastebin.com/FYL61Dbh
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