please excuse me but..i'm Having such a blast ..just sitting here and reading page after page and laughing my ass out...ear to ear grin and cant stop laughing.
all those 0-post count saying "nice post" "tnx" "realy works" "great find" bla bla
all those in the mix with the hard core wannabe post whores missing few 100 ..scraping and grinding trying to get the message revealed or sent to them by a good old friend and this is in all the threads i see..
omg cant stop laughing..
i click on a long 5-6-7 page thread and expect a good read..tnx i got better than that..i laughed from page 1 to 111.
any way just though i'd share this with the noobs here..because those who can see the top post , cant realy have the same experiense as i did. :))
PS nitro ..V-Dub iNDa Houz