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Posts posted by bartun

  1. 21 minutes ago, adr.bot said:



    26 minutes ago, adr.bot said:



    Oh god, Thanks, didn't know I could do it without the script recorder or something like that!


    Maybe I won't use it but It worked! It was Engine.ByPassToServer('custom_bank_deposit'), script working perfectly!


    Thanks for help me learning <3

  2. 10 hours ago, adr.bot said:


    Yeah thanks, but already read it 2 days ago, I am using cracked Adrenaline and I am trying to learn to edit/modify easy scripts just that haha (I don't have the script recorder and i don't have any tool to discover the ByPassToServer)


    But no problem, the server for what I need this script is nearly to die so.. no problem..


    By the way, lot of thanks!

  3. 22 hours ago, bartun said:


    Yeah, I undestand what you mean, but .deposit don't work, and .bank only opens a windows that I have to click on Deposit, or Withdraw, to transform Adena into GB, or reverse. I can't do that with Events tab.


    I tried this, but don't work:


      while delay(555) do begin
      inventory.user.byid(57, adena);
        if assigned(adena) and (adena.count > 2 * 500000000) then begin // more than 5kk
          while not user.target.dead do delay(11);
          engine.facecontrol(0,false); delay(555);
          engine.entertext('.bank'); delay(555);
          engine.DlgSel('Deposit'); delay(555);






    Edit: I tried with DlgSel, DlgText, DlgOpen before the DlgSel, I am pretty sure it should work with Engine.ByPassToServer but I don't know what to put inside the parenthesis in ByPassToServer xD


    Still searching help with this, I can't bot because i have to change adena for goldbar every 2:30 mins, so I can't left bot alone for more than 5 min. I am sure I have to click "Deposit" with the engine.ByPassToServer, but I dont know what I have to put inside the ByPassToServer, how could I know?

  4. 25 minutes ago, darknesscrysis said:


    For kitting I don't know how it would be, but for random clicks during combat you only have to delete the 'not User.InCombat' condition. It would do them between skills I suppose as it has a condition to not do it while casting. Although you may need to delete that condition too because if it's casting skills all the time it won't do the random clicks.

    I will try modify it, thank you!

  5. 1 hour ago, adr.bot said:


    Yeah, I undestand what you mean, but .deposit don't work, and .bank only opens a windows that I have to click on Deposit, or Withdraw, to transform Adena into GB, or reverse. I can't do that with Events tab.


    I tried this, but don't work:


      while delay(555) do begin
      inventory.user.byid(57, adena);
        if assigned(adena) and (adena.count > 2 * 500000000) then begin // more than 5kk
          while not user.target.dead do delay(11);
          engine.facecontrol(0,false); delay(555);
          engine.entertext('.bank'); delay(555);
          engine.DlgSel('Deposit'); delay(555);






    Edit: I tried with DlgSel, DlgText, DlgOpen before the DlgSel, I am pretty sure it should work with Engine.ByPassToServer but I don't know what to put inside the parenthesis in ByPassToServer xD

  6. 11 hours ago, adr.bot said:

    u need check events tab, there is "item", select it and u see everything else there


    11 hours ago, darknesscrysis said:


    Try it like this:

    uses SysUtils;
    procedure RandomClicksThread(d: integer);
    var X, Y, Z: integer;
      X:= User.X;                                                              // set coordinates of point
      Y:= User.Y;                                                              // near which we will move
      Z:= User.Z;
      while True do begin                                                      // run an endless loop
        if (Engine.Status = lsOnline) then begin                               // if we are in the game then
          if (User.DistTo(X, Y, Z) > 2*d*d) then begin                         // if the base point has changed, 
            Print(Format('[RandomClicksThread] Base point coordinates updated: (%d, %d) -> (%d, %d)', [X, Y, User.X, User.Y]));
            X:= User.X;                                                        // update coordinates
            Y:= User.Y;
            Z:= User.Z;
          if (not User.Moved) and (not User.Sitting)                           // if we are not moving and not sitting
          and (not User.InCombat) and (User.Cast.EndTime = 0)                  // not in fight and dont cast anything
          and ((User.Target = nil) or (User.Target.Dead)) then begin           // and we dont have a target or our target is dead, then
            if Engine.DMoveTo(X+Random(2*d)-d, Y+Random(2*d)-d, User.Z) then   // make a random step to the side
              Delay(1000+Random(5000));                                        // and wait for random delay
      Script.NewThread(@RandomClicksThread(150));       // start the thread, second argument indicate max distance from the base point
      // code...



    At this moment, I am using Events tab, i put: Adena>999.999.999 alarm. I can make when adena>999.999.999 write in chat .bank, but then I have to click in "Deposit", and no option in Events tab.



    Thank you so much!! Btw, not working. I mean, If i use only the script yes, char moves, slowly but he moves himself, but I am looking (and I don't know if its possible) moving between skills, something like "kiting"




  7. 1 hour ago, adr.bot said:

    probably this one



    Hello adr.bot, first of all, sorry for bothering you.


    I need a script that makes random small movements between skills? To make more realistic the bot? I found a script but it doesn't work, 3 posts ago. It does exist?


    Another thing I would love, is to change 1kkk adena for a goldbar, I have to write .bank and appears a windows that I have to click in "Deposit" button, that's hard to do or this script exists?


    My best regards.

  8. Hello guys!


    I am looking for a "Simulation of random clicks near character" while farming, to simulate I am a real person.


    I found this script: https://adrenalinebot.com/en/api/example/simulation-random-clicks-near-character , but when I use it, appears an error in this line:  


    while Delay(1000) do begin  

    Script (9): Type of expression must be BOOLEAN


    Somebody knows what can I do? Thank you!!

  9. Hello everybody. 


    First of all, sorry for bothering you, I don't like answer/bother people, but my clan and me are frustrated. We are playing midrates Interlude server, and everybody is botting and we can't. We botted a bit in another server, but the server we are currently playing, when we try to connect with L2 Adrenaline (cracked) appears one message:


    "A hacking tool has been discovered. Please close unnecesary programs"


    I tried many things, download patched systems, gameguard killers, changing Windows process names, nothing works.


    Somebody know what we can do? Our best regards. Thank you.



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