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About DarkCandy

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  1. kido try to scamm me ;) hahaha
  2. Scammer ..Just dont't trust him ;)
  3. [Gr]Postaris se ola ta account add me on skype .......kai mou les na mou dosis 80 paypal ....eno to account den a3izi tosa polla gt uparxi kai i oikonomiki krisi an gnorizis apo eki fenete poso xazos eisai! den eimai mikro paidi giana min katalavo pws eisai scammer ....episis se kanw add mou les Den paw protos gt me exoune klepsi polles fores...eno To miso Forum Apoti eida lei esena scammer ..kai logika eisai 101%
  4. Auction of 30lvl LOL account on EU West realm. 94 champs(screenshot) and 76 skins. 4 rune pages. 1200+ won normal games and unranked in season 3. You're ready to play! Additionaly 2000rp(1300 needed to change name of account but I didnt use something offensive or nooby so you're good to go like this. I am new here so ...i know guys you can't trust someone new ....anyway ....i wait your offers account goes with reg -email List of the skins: Ahri-Dynasty, foxfire Alistar-unchained, infernal Anivia-bird of prey, noxus hunter, hextech Annie-frostfire Ashe-woad, amethyst Brand-apocaliptic Caitlyn-safari Cassiopeia-desperada Corki-red baron, urfrider Ezreal-nottingham, frosted, explorer, pulsefire Fizz-fisherman Galio-gatekeeper Gragas-scuba, Esq Graves-jailbreak, mafia, riot Irelia-frostblade Janna-frost queen Jax-temple Jayce-full metal Karthus-phantom, grim reaper Kassadin-harbinger Kayle-judgment Kennen-arctic ops Kog'maw-monarch, lion dance Lee sin-dragon fist Lux-commando Malphite-glacial Master yi-headhunter Miss fortune-waterloo, mafia Mordekaiser-lord Morgana-sinful succulence, blade mistress, blackthorn Nidalee-french maid Nocturne-void Orianna-sewn chaos, bladecraft Poppy-scarlet hammer Renekton-rune wars Riven-battle bunny Rumble-bilgerat Ryze-professor, dark crystal Shen-warlord Shyvana-darkflame Sion-hextech Sivir-PAX Swain-tyrant Tristana-riot girl, firefighter Twisted fate-tango Urgot-battlecast Vayne-aristocrat, heartseeker Veigar-superb villain Vladimir-count, blood lord Warwick-feral Xerath-scorched earth Xin zhao-winged hussar Yorick-pentakill Ziggs-major here is the account : http://www.lolking.net/summoner/euw/35417206#profile
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