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Posts posted by megahits

  1. Achiles what i would like is for u to comunicate more with people,in forum game,i told u some sugestions in forum take care of those,they should be easy to make:D and would make the server looks good.Also prices for coins are too high u should put those coins 1-5  kk adena and decrease prices for cols.

  2. There are many many bugs,prices are way too ovp,its hard farm server,1 col is 200k coins event glitter medals(1 glitter medal is 15kk adena,max u can get 1 mob its 4kkk) and you can buy almost anything with cols.

    Mages m critik dmg is 20-25x. so if u hit 8 k normal m critik dmg u hit about 120-180k m critik dmg with normal skill 400k skill m critik dmg cuz there is m critik dmg and m skill critik dmg.

    Gm is not active at all,shop is not finished,no farm areas,only adena to farm.Some things from shop must be removed.

  3. He made the server the people wanted,that was his mistake,also some idiots couldn't stand without dimensional barier/gludio instance/mystic tavern instances that's why died,hope he will open other server when he fixes the bugs.

  4. I am pretty sure if he made 15k from servers he wouldnt close them.Plus 200 ppl cant bring u so muc money,even if every server had them.200 unique users,isn't something soooo great.

    I,personally,would be more pleased to hear comments for real players/server owners,not some idiot which doesn't even know what god is.I say to block him from ever posting here.

  5. Servers almost done,well as done as evo could make them.All quests and instances working fine,so anything else,are minor bugs that can be fixed.

    Bought premium on topzone and banner slot top header in hopzone.net forums.Server has 2500 likes on facebook on,and almost 400-500 players confirmed on skype,or that is what I was being told:D:D.Come join us.Now you can vote in topzone.


    No donations,just for premium which gives you xp/sp but nothing for items.

  6. u left the server? no, u got banned, because u tried to sell ur accounts for real money, u opened topic here in maxcheaters, gm announced in game (rosahnf also).


    stop the bs, ur nose will grow. 

    Pretty sure you talking about someone else.I am barely playing because it just takes way too much to get same gear donators can get.And i did not selled any accounts on any game because I play for fun,and not for "money".

    It is extremly hard to farm on this server.I do have time to spend 2-3 hrs in game,but no 6-7-8 hrs in game.It is extremly boring to play on a private server same amount of time you play on official,it takes weeks up to 2 months to get top gear(+20 armor/weps,raid boss jewls,brooch jewls lv 5,shiny+10 etc) and have a normal life.


    On a server that NEVER WIPES, no need to donate for anything, all items droping in game, getting epics and over enchanted top gear at start, and making millions and top gear in 1 day... it s shameful to cry. Maybe tetris or super mario is more suited for you, not all people are meant to play an mmo RPG (role playing game) . if you don t have 2 hours to play daily, why play? go play tetris.


    Go to your other servers that wipe every 3 -6 months to get your donations.


    in the meantime:




    Are you actually playing here?The chance to drop a rb jewls is between 25% and 75%.75% for Epic raids Valakas,Antharas Lindvior that drop 2-5 jewls and up to 20-30 bottles?Those raids spawn once every week,or 2 weeks,an those whole server goes there for drop and pvp?

    Making milions and top gear in 1 day?Loool and hahaha.How can u exactly do that by farming.Cuz i farmed all areas,went to all instances all raids including Fortuna/kartia etc and u can make at most 1 mil gc for 5+hrs of farming,that means to stay on ur tyrr in atelia fortress for example for 4-5 hrs,that is extremly boring and tiring.This is not worth having 2 client,1 for lineage2ertheia and 1 for other servers.

    All ppl say farming is easy since u donated for ur gear/premium for extra drop,or who the fuk knows what bugs u exploited for farming.Like the healer bug in land of chaos from months ago.

  7. Hey all.Servers look nice both x25 and pvp server.They do not have many bugs.

    Come,need testers to come help test,instances,raids,etc,quests,areas and report found bugs,or go on forum  share your ideas.Servers are great,good pack,good dedicated,now updater added on website.

  8. you farmed for 5 hours 60 k gc? u farmed in town or what?! lol. u make 1 mil gc/hour easily in gog. 


    u make kartia in 5 minutes and get 20-30k and that s an instance u can make at lvl 95 with the gear u get at game start. learn the game.  alt b special zones, just go there play 1 hour and u get all.


    all epic raids are instanced, meaning 6 ppl get 1 epic 100%.   you kill 1 raid u get 1 mil adena and tons of stuff, you go fortuna u get millions of gc / hour.


    ALL is easy if you know l2, if you come to the server, and fap while thinking u get something, u came to the wrong place. We have no wipes here, so what u have stays forever. if u dont know where to farm, how to farm, then learn it, and in no time u are one of the richest players in game.



    u get FREEEE gear at start r set enchanted to 12, weapon enchanted 15, , FREE adena, FREE 3 epics.


    r99 set is not sold for adena,but for gc, seams you did not even bother to open the shop.


    i think u are one of those botters who are upset they must play to achieve something.

    Hey.So i went to gog to farm,u make like 20kgc if u are lucky to find some champions,in like 10-20 mins.And nobody goes to fortuna,no party,so how exactly can u farm 1 mil gc/hr in gog,since u can kill 1-2-3 mobs at once,at most,and for pr/fortuna no partyes?Now only donators are in server,nboody is farming anymore.

    You think that all those who "qq" have no idea what they are talking about,when you go every instance in server,and you try farm with 3-4 characters in all areas,and you see you can get ur  gear for pvp,only if u spend your entire life in l2,well you leave.

    We do not play private so we can spend our lives in front of a pc.

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