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About DK1

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  1. Core by Innova EU server Main : Level 100 Aeore shilen saint with POW kept 16 AP lvl 3 broches pearl and opal briliant broach INT and Con +3 bracelets CON Dye +5 Dual : Level 99 Feoh with Arcane Power kept +15 int dyes Subs : 2 x 80 level Price : 200 EURO WebMoney , Paypal , WU , Bank wire , Money Gram , adena Message me here
  2. added adena option too
  3. 1-85 - 15$ or adena 40-80 sub - 12$ For custom levels pm me on skype Skype : CyberDKOne
  4. Skype : CyberDKOne Core Accounts : 1)Level 100 Aeore shilen saint with POW kept 16 AP lvl 3 broches pearl and opal briliant broach INT and Con +3 bracelets CON Dye +5 Dual : Level 99 Feoh with Arcane Power kept +15 int dyes Subs : 2 x 80 level 200 euro 2)Othell rogue dark elf 93 lvl 80% - 30$ Chronos Accounts : 1)92 Elemental Master dark elf male - 25$ 2)92 Aeore Eva Saint female elf - 25$ 3)90 Iss Overlord male orc - 20$ 4)87 Othell wind rider male dwarf - 15$ 5)86 Iss Doomcryer with chaos essence female orc - 10$ 6)86 Iss Overlord male orc - 10$ 7)86 Yul Ghost Sentinel male dark elf . Has Chaos essence - 10$ 8)86 Yul Trickster female kamael . Has Chaos essence - 10$ Payment : Adena , PayPal , WU , Bank Transfer , Money Gram , Skrill Contact : Skype : CyberDKOne
  5. Leveling on Core Any toon from 1-95 (soon 99) on your request . Will be leveled manually , legitly and using proxy if needed . Price to be negotiated over skype . Skype : CyberDKOne Chronos Accounts : 1)90 Othell Fortune Seeker male dwarf - SOLD 2)90 Elemental Master dark elf male - 30$ 3)90 Iss doomcryer male . Has Chaos essence - SOLD 4)90 Aeore Eva Saint female elf - 30$ 5)85 Iss Spectral dancer dark elf male - SOLD 6)85 Iss Spectral dancer female orc - SOLD 7)85 Warcryer female orc - 10$ 8)85 Warcryer male orc - 10$ 9)85 Treasure Hunter male human . Has Chaos essence - SOLD 10)85 Treasure Hunter female human . Has Chaos essence - SOLD 11)85 Phantom ranger dark elf male . Has Chaos essence - 10$ 12)85 Trickster female kamael . Has Chaos essence - 10$ 13)85 Orc mystic - 10$ 14)88 Wyn Elemental master dark elf male . Has Chaos essence - 20$ Naia Accounts : 1)99 Wyn Elemental Master dark elf male . Dualclass Yul 85 . 2 x 80 lvl subclasses . Noble - 120$ Info : All the accounts are at least 6 months old and hasn't been logged in the last few months . All are in good standing with good english names . Payment : Adena , PayPal , WU , Bank Transfer , Money Gram etc . Skype : CyberDKOne
  6. Account for sell on Server Core (Innova) Going for cheap - Has to go . I'm accepting payments : Adena or Paypal - up to you Contact : (Skype) CyberDKOne 99 Human male Yul Saggitarius , 94,95% dual tank , 2x80 subs . Noble Some oe skills Comes with bracelet , yellow talisman , vitality stuff , rose buff agathion and more . It has 2 AP (close to 3) Contact : (Skype) CyberDKOne
  7. As title says , i'm selling a list of accounts on servers Chronos and Naia (NCWest) I'm the original owner and can guarantee the good standing of the accounts . I will provide all the information of the accounts , including hints , birthdays , passwords , e-mails access and such . All the characters of the accounts are with good english names . I don't sell accounts of type "xlLlxBrasil2014x" I'm also offering leveling 1-85 on any NCWEST , 25$ each account , if you order more than 1 - price will be 20$ per account . I'm accepting payments : Adena or Paypal - up to you . Contact : (Skype) CyberDKOne Here is the list of the account's i have available ready to go right now : Chronos accounts : 1)85 Dark elf male summoner - 25$ 2)85 Dark elf male summoner - 25$ 3)85 Orc Iss male doomcryer - 25$ 4)85 Orc Iss male dominator - 25$ 5)85 Othell rogue spoiler male dwarf - 25$ 6)85 Fortune seeker male dwarf (3rd class) - 25$ 7)85 Fortune seeker female dwarf (3rd class) - 25$ 8)85 Fortune seeker female dwarf (3rd class) - 25$ Naia accounts : 1)99 lvl Elemental summoner dark elf male Noble , 85 dual , 80 , 80 subs - 250$ 2)97 lvl Aeore Healer female elf - 120$ 3)97 lvl Yul Ghost Sentinel dark elf male - 120$ 4)93 lvl 27% Tyr warrior titan male orc - 70$ 5)85 lvl Dwarf male othell bounty hunter - 25$ 6)85 lvl Human othell rogue adventure - 25$ Contact : (Skype) CyberDKOne
  8. Accounts Core(Innova) 2 Accounts for sell on Server Core (Innova) I'm accepting payments : Adena or Paypal - up to you Contact : (Skype) CyberDKOne 1)99 Dark elf male othell rogue , 95 dual healer , 2x80 subs . Noble Most of the active skills +6 , most of the passive +5-6 Comes with Vesper shaper CD 300 with PvP Might passive augument (5%pvp dmg) , hellfire talisman , tauti bracelet , vitality stuff , exp agathion , 2 x rose buff pets and others . It has 4 AP (very close to 5) 2)99 Human male Yul Saggitarius , 94,95 dual tank , 2x80 subs . Noble Some oe skills Comes with bracelet , yellow talisman , vitality stuff , rose buff agathion . It has 2 AP (close to 3) Contact : (Skype) CyberDKOne
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