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About hellraizer123

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  1. i got lucky and i found one, its an amazing server. 50x has l2gold weapons apella, very balanced, the admins very active and is always adding new things, heres the link for those of you interested, http://l2-exclusive.com/
  2. i coulda sworn that was open a long time ago, but last time i was ABLE to login they added top vesper, which ruined the whole L2gold purpose, did they close that server?
  3. Is there a Site for this server yet?
  4. +1 Thanks, looks like a nice server, but its not l2gold, the rates are nice and low, active, seems balanced, But id like one with those L2gold weapons and if possible the jewels, like L2gold oldschool and those. If anyone knows of one, please post it.
  5. Im looking for a L2gold server, C6 j or C4 off. but l2gold, balanced, more like l2gold oldschool type server. If anyone knows of one that has atleast 70+ people, Please let me know, thank you.
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