Yul Archer Human lvl 96 30%
Subclasses : Summoner 80 / Tyrant 75
Dual CLass : Dagger 87
Light Armor Seraph set Enchant type
- Bound Seraph Helmet +3 3x60 Element
- Bound Seraph Leather +3 3x60 Element
- Bound Seraph Leggings +3 3x60 Element
- Bound Seraph Gloves +3 3x60 Element
- Bound Seraph Boots +3 3x60 Element
- Rising T-Shirt from dual class
- Belt Immortal
- Bracelet of Octavis
- Pirate King Hat - Hair accessory
- Bound Seraph Eearring +3
- Bound Seraph Eearring +3
- Bound Seraph Necklace +3
- Bound Seraph Ring +3
- Bound Seraph Ring +3
- Augmented Bound Spercter Thrower Damage +4 (Holy p.atk 300)
Inventory and Warehouse:
Bound Immortal R grade light full set with element
Bound Apocalypce Thrower +3 +300 Holy
Lot of other staff Full warehouse
pm here for info or mail me