Does lameguard check SendMessage or window title ?
if lameguard check processes for suspicious exe you should rename the exe to i.e. "hl.exe" :troll:
The keybot is sending recorded f-keys with interval by user tapping, that means the fake "clicks" won't have same delay (some anti-cheats can have spam protect and they can detect you by spamming spells/actions with same delay), to selected lineage2 window with SendMessage.
To make sure you are choosing correct window all l2 windows has added text with pid in window title (which is refreshed when you focus the window).
It has 3 "sub programs" threads, that means all sending programs are working independable on its own resources (program will not hang in looped "clicks"),so dual core can handle it easily without lag spikes. :)
3 configurable keys (supports mouse with 5 buttons), with own f-key sequence.
Automated login, you can login with a click.
Arm button (to be sure :LOL:)
You can save everything you done to a file.
*** and you can run it from any place and any time, so if you won't put it in l2/system with lameguard you will be fine.
tommorow i'll post download link (will contain manual ;))