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About _cr4zy_

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  1. another question. There's a guide to use the file .sec in the shared folder? (i need 500 sop for dual samu :P)
  2. Hi, someone can give me the link for the shared folder of maxbastard???
  3. Hi... I look this thread: http://www.maxbastards.gr/forum/index.php?topic=198.150 but with artmoney i don't find the code per the memory process. I need the token of L2Dex, someone can help me? L2Dex is a C4 server
  4. sorry, i means that is the right place because here there's the link for l2brut and other programs. I make it in the correct section
  5. Hi... I look this thread: http://www.maxbastards.gr/forum/index.php?topic=198.150 but with artmoney i don't find the code per the memory process. I need the token of L2Dex, someone can help me? L2Dex is a C4 server
  6. ah.. other things... how can i Use the script for the VoP creation?? Thanks and sorry for spam :(
  7. ONly one thing, where i can find an L2Brute IP ?
  8. Now the server is C4 and not l2j. Probably became Interlude at the end of Summer. OT: I want see some post but i need to make a lot of post or became a premium member, i see the post for became a premium member but i cant find the displayed page. someone can help me? (private message for not spamming here :P)
  9. nad there's another tools like that? Or something for make a lot of money easyly.. i play on a low rate with an elemental summoner and withouth adena it's too hard to make money
  10. Hi, i downloa the AiO Exploit created by mewmew, when he give thanks to your site. I try the Exploit: GM SHOP MAKER but doesn't work, all the button have the description like: ????????? and i haven't find info about the program. Can you help me? i need for a C4 server Thanks
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