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Everything posted by Spiros

  1. Hi...I found a new Low Rate Server Interlude but because is new don't have very much ppl so i post that to play in this Server...!!! Xp: x5 Sp: x5 Adena Drop: x5 Items Drop: x5 Spoil Drop: x5 Safe(Armor\Jewel\Weapon): +4 Safe(Full Armor): +6 Max(For All): +16 Chance(%): 50% Is Interlude No Custom Buffer No Custom Gatekeeper No Custom GM Shop No bugs Clan Halls work Craft System work Hero System work Nobbless system work Olympiad system work Siege system work Subclass without quest work Class Changer work Buff time 20 minute Also now has and High Rate Server Site: http://freewebs.com/l2isonet
  2. trash1 if you want can explain plis?
  3. Hi to all Guys...maybe my question is stupit but i want to learn...If i make C4 L2 Off Server can i put L2J C6 Files from Oneo pack to be from C4 L2 Off Server to C6 L2 Off Server???Also if i can't how i can do my C4 L2 Off server to C6 L2 Off Server (like white eagle if you know)???
  5. Guys Plis Help...Plis if someone can do a guide and will write how i can do when my server is online, my site will say and this that my server is online
  6. M4GNUM i did that but nothink...i do my server online and Say Offline....Plis can someone to help me???
  7. Hello guys...i have a site (by napas) but when i open my server online...site say offline...why??? plis help me
  8. Hi to all i want to tell me some...i have take a disko with site from a other pack not oneo but i want to connect this site with my pack (oneo pack rev 521) but i can't because say error with sql....please tell me how i can fix it
  9. Kalimera se olous...exw parei ena disko opou periexei kai site kai 8elw auto to site na to valw na douleuei sto server to diko m (oneo pack) alla dn 3erw ti prepei na kanw gt mou leei oti can't connect with SQL. sas parakalw help m...!!!
  10. Kalimera se olous...exw parei ena disko opou periexei kai site kai 8elw auto to site na to valw na douleuei sto server to diko m (oneo pack) alla dn 3erw ti prepei na kanw gt mou leei oti can't connect with SQL. sas parakalw help m...!!!
  11. Hi to all...i want to tell how i do to be players hero every 1 mounth....!!!!
  12. Sas parakalw pite m link na katevasw ti l2jfree pack plis.....!!:):):)
  13. Sorry alla otna les Modifications ti ennweis???
  14. Re sis pou brikate to l2j Server gia kamael??? o Vault tou to vrike???
  15. what rev use?
  16. My friend you must change to your char access lvl not account
  17. Hi to all....i want to ask know someone pote will vgei one kamael pack???(sorry for greek but i don'k know english very well)
  18. Euxaristw...alla telika mpwrw na katevasw mia geodata pou na leitiurgei sto oneo pack?? kai an nai sas parakalw grafte m to link gia na tin katevasw
  19. kaneis dn mporei na me voh8isei???
  20. Gia se olous Pedes....i8ela na rwtisw an ginete na xrisimopoieisw tin geodata tou off sto server m (dil sto oneo pack)?????
  21. Welcome to All Age Of Darkness ][ Is Interlude Low Rare (x15) Siege, Clan Halls, Olympiad, Subclass(Without Quest) and Nobbless Work Costum GM Shop, Gatekeeper, Gatekeeper included Every Day Events Every Day and for Hours Admins and GMs is online And more... Also if you log in before change the mounth Admins will do you 40 Level (In Greece because i don't know english very well Episeis an kanete log in prin alla3ei o minas tote oi Admin 8a se kanoun 40 Level) The Server in NEW so we need ppl So Guys...we are waitting you!!!!!! Sorry...http://aodii.firstgoo.com (without www)
  22. ok..thx very much ;)
  23. sorry but there is not a link to download C6 Skills in rar??
  24. Sorry but i know english very well...there is a link to download C6 Skills for my Pack and if there is plis write my
  25. Hi Guys...i want to add in my server c6 Skills..i use Oneo Pack and don't have C6 Skills plis write my a link to download C6 Skills
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