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About toasumjas

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  1. Is it not imposible, before 14 days some ppl have use hlapex on nightmare and the get lots of adena so the gm have diside to use npc whit bleset scrols so ppl cant spend all adena, so they use hlapex and i think i imposible.
  2. yes it is Nightmare as in "Dragon-Network Nightmare 30x"
  3. Hello, i'am new on this forum and today i have star to use Hlapex on the nigthmare and i do something but not working so well and if some one know if Hlapex work on server nitghmare pls tell me if you see pic i'am lvl 42 and i have hero whepon and nothing else :(
  4. I think is have some nice trick to kill raid, first if you find raid who strike splash and go to the near guard in town or some npc like near aden who strike and if you have somon use them to hit raid and if you dont have somon if you dager use fake death, in c3 server and some c4 server work good but some server fix, but you must be near guard and when raid hit splash guard hit the raid and the raid is death.
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