Hello,as the title says i want to exchange 30 euros paysafe card to paypal,only trusted members
p.s i want the exchange to be done now.
pm me or reply to the topic.
Hello everyone again,sorry for the non-activity on this forum but i was really busy with the server features-work,forum and site is online,our grand opening is also going to find his day,register in our forum and leave your feedback.
Keep english in our topic,anyway ill answer you.
Website-forum is online,now u are able to join and let us know what u think about our server,suggestions are acceptable.thnx for reading
Well,sorry,there was a mistake on my topic,maxjewl enchant rate is 20,fixed.
resist time has changed to 10 minutes,balance has to do until the grand opening and so on.
Well,sorry for the non-answered questions,im busy with the server,im at the "end" of the server's job,a little bit and then ill open the site-server,ty for your attention.
Well the main problem with buffs is that,80% of the peoples will start crying about the slots, like" omg i cant even take full buffs,but the other problem comes after the buff slots,the balance,ill see what exactly can i do,but resist time will be 5-10 min also,ty for your intresting all of you.
Well as said to the other topi website-forum is offline,i will reupload the screenshots due to the low image size,grand opening is still undecided but we are not thinking to open a non "ready" server.
.voteInfo-VoteTime-GetReward added