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Everything posted by tason

  1. ok mia xara katafera na mpw sto game rithmizw ta panta alla den kanei tpt san na mi exw aggiksei tpt . to host m periexei : localhost L2authd.Lineage2.com nprotect.lineage2.com mipos xreiazomai tpt epiplewn ?
  2. mia xara m douleue prin ligo kairo to l2walker ston official alla meta tin anabathmisi.... ti ginete ? entopizei leei hacking tools kai ws ekei ... den mporw na treksw plewn to walker iparxei tropos na to parakampsoume ? kai na to fortosw kanonika ?euxaristw !!!
  3. poio ip apo ta 3 xrisimopoihsate ?
  4. t oexete dokimasei ? katafere kaneis na to kanei na doulepsei ?
  5. so any news about the crack ?
  6. so what we do now ? w8ing for news ?
  7. all ok i m in game and all setings are ready. when i press start combat it do nothing . may i need another hosts ?
  8. i make it work :) now im in game :) and when everything is ready if i press start combat nothing hapened . may i need a diferent hosts ?
  9. i tryed to work previous l2 walkers that i use on interlude but nothing . finaly i found IG walker 1.91 but didnt work with this procedure i read in post . sould i try something else ? can you find something that works in official ? tu . and sry for my english...
  10. kalimera :) lipon tin teleutaia fora me kanate maga ksigithikate poli kimparika !!!! kai to ektimw auto... twra pou o official efage update mporoume na kanoume kati ? exw katebasei tin ekdosi ig walker 1.91 ekana kai tin diadikasia opos parousiasate alla tpt den kanei bima pera apo to login. prepei na brw kati allo mipos gia official ? i kanw kati lathos ? euxaristw !!!
  11. ok ta katafera to brika :)))
  12. euxaristw poli dude me ekanes maga twra !!! oraios kati akoma ola kala pigan mpika sto game :)) twra pos anoigw to parathiro tou l2walker gia na kanw rithmiseis ?
  13. ty gia tin politimi boitheia :) molis twra to tsimpisa paw na to dokimasw !!!
  14. ola ok re mages me tous free servers alla mporeite na me help me ton official ? de tin paleuw allo !!!! poli xrima thelei o official :P den leei na kaneis ebay :( kai einai poli kourastiko na anebazeis paixti pou den ton goustareis!!! paizei na broume tpt gia official xreiazomai seed (to opoio den paizei na kaneis me mago ) + spoil ta opoia einai poli bareta :( tha me kanete maga an bporesei kapoios na me help
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