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About shad0wzzz

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  1. No one knows some kind of GG killer? i've heard of one but it works only at l2j servers, something like nwindow.dll or something... doesnt work there... well... l2.exe opens, l2walker is working when u press home but u cant login... u put login, pw, click on login button and nothing happens... any ideas?
  2. this time they got us... i dont know what those guys think when they say "botting is not fair with the players" since they sell itens by donation and mainly, they are a private server... if there is something unfair it is to steal others job (ncsoft) to get money from donators, cuz we all know that the donations are not 100% used to keep the server... i agree that in a 30x server there is no need of botting, and in my case, i play with a party of friends, what makes bot more than useless, but i used to make auto mana/healing pots scripts what makes the game less boring and better use of the shortcut bar, but my point is this: ppl that bot to lvl, want to be better than the others, and they r the same that buy +50 weapons from gms, if they cant bot anymore they will leave. I dont give a damn, cuz theyre pks and assholes, but donations will cease and server will meet its end... and i will loose my chars again.. like happened with all the servers i've played, they stopped the bot users, soon ppl started to leave the server, market died, and then they closed, and i need to play only at high rates servers cuz i dont have much time to play at official that is 1x. I cant understand why shitty private servers act like they were some NCSoft member, and shoot their own feets by being such assholes and preventing the server to be fun to play. I hope some russian hacker (those guys can fix anything) come up with something... everything has a way to bypass. Dualbox does not work also, im lucky to have 2 pcs that i can use to play/sell items at the same time, or else i would be pretty screwed while choosing to sell or lvl... or leave the pc on all the night only to sell items... i hope dont see the l2hobby story again... after that damned anchor-like invisible and heavy items that makes the load go to almost 100%... it sux to start all over again.... Cant we just disable GG somehow?
  3. Impossible to bot there after the new patch. I got the information that those guys bought something to protect the server from bots n stuff here: "www.la2guard.com", how i know that? well, a friend of mine used a sniffer and found 3 adresses: 1-l2phoenix server, 2-does not respond (maybe GG update... whatever), 3-www.la2guard.com, so thats how we got there. Tryied lots of things already, no solution and here's the problem: 1) L2.exe size error That can be easily bypassed by simply opening l2.exe outside the IG walker that says "Wrong file size" when u try to run it form IG walker. Ok... no problem until now. 2) GameGuard error By using the bypass method described on item 1, l2.exe is open and u get to the login screen, where gameguard does his job and shows a message like "ur using a hacker tool n stuff" and an ok button that closes l2.exe when u press it and theres nothing anyone can do to bot there anymore... (?) File Error Bypass I tryied to make the "trick" of swapping the .exe names like is described as solution for the file size error problem by a sticky post in this forum, but one of the following things are happening: - or it does not work in l2phoenix - or i'm stupid enough to do it wrong (what is not hard to believe actually lol) Ok... thats the problem, if someone has a brain and know how to use it, help us out, cuz we (at least I) dont... not enough to bypass this. xD Thanks.
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