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About xazoulinos

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  1. as i though, i tried with unreal and some other programs but as u said i gotta make a new model without the wing.. ty anyway,hf and take care
  2. can i remove the wing from kamaels with any of these programs mate?
  3. can u help me on this one please? or at least give me some advices about the program i need ty
  4. geia se olous,prwta'polla psaxnw ton Elfocrash..re si megale,ax,se psaxnw pantou mexri k sto youtube sto channel sou afino ravasakia : D loipoooon 8a ithela na m eksigisete pws mporw na kanw remove to ftero apo tous kamael,milao gia gracia final server..k giauto to logo psaxnw ton elfocrash,eida pws einai k vraveumenos se l2j development opios allos kalos,omorfos,glukos,eksipnos dev mporei k thelei na voithisei egw edw eimai euxaristwwwwww
  5. umm hello all!! sorry if im in the wrong section anyway,i hope some1 can help me on this one i'd like to know if there is any way to edit the wing of kamaels..to make it more evil or idk,remove it can i edit it on my own? im trying with l2fileedit but when i try to find the animation of the chars the file is empty,am i searching in the right place? also i found a topic here,but the link is broken.. can some1 please help? ty
  6. u got his skype please?i'd appreciate that @fanky,ty mate
  7. hello guys,im new in MxC also,im looking for Elfocrash,anyone here knows an easy way to contact with him? already said a message in his profile ty and nice to meet ya
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