so man srry for the question , but now that haplex is died how do u cheats on l2? We are waiting for a new program as Haplex or l2 cheating is death? plz tell me :D ???
ANd why you don't say it to virusakos ? and I try to help because i tell him that hlapex is not working. In oder words "do not tire yourself for nothing !"
BUT IT'S NOT TRUE! IT'S WORK! now the only problem is the stuck on login ! i must post u a screen?
Everibody says that haplex don't work , halplex is died and some more.. but now , if it's died , how can u hacks private server or decrypt packet and somethign else? i play on , c4 server , and i need an help. When i rung haplex and i log in , haplex don't show me server ip and port and i cant send message.. why? plz help me