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About Hael

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  1. We're protected against DDoS now. :y u no?:
  2. Just to make it clear, we never got ddos on server (just some haters saying that), jsut a little bit on our website. And another problem that we solved was loginserver, too many connections.
  3. It was only about loginserver, not ddos or anything else, so thanks for your words. Login fixed.
  4. It's ok now, it seems like the login problem has been solved.
  5. The server will be shutdown for 10 minute to solve the login problem.
  6. It was a problem related to website, our web was ddosed, and it was connected to our loginserver, but now it seems fine.
  7. We're in-game, only the loginserver is forced.
  8. Well, it was a problem related to loginserver, too many players connected in the same time, but everything is al'right now. The server isn't under ddos, just the website :troll:
  9. Actually, leave it locked, because friday is the grand opening and 'preview' is not necessary anymore.
  10. Sure, because I didn't get any warning. Edit: Unlock it and I will take care of Thanks a lot.
  11. I got a question, why is it locked? http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=256691.0
  12. I would say stop spmamming, but is only a preview for now.
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