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Posts posted by spal



    2. Επιλέγουμε το ακόλουθο script.






    Φίλος συμμόρφωσε λίγο το guide σου. Πολλά images δεν φαίνονται όπως για παράδειγμα το παραπάνω.

    Δεν μπορούμε να δούμε πιο script εννοείς.


    EDIT: Άκυρο...κάτι παίζει με τον Firefox...σε Internet Explorer ανοίγουν κανονικά οι εικόνες σου...

  2. 1. Did you set a hunting range for the walker?

    2. Did you set walker which mobs to hit? (by default it hits everything including Raid monsters...:/ )

    3. Did you set under "policy" section what kind of attack you will use? (short or range attack)

    4. Did you hit "insert" button after all the above?

    5. Did you hit "End" button to start combat?




    6. Do you see in your walker: client "verified" on it's top configuration screen?


    if all the above are true but still nothing, pm me which server you play on...if we play on the

    same i can help.


    I use IG 1.79 on Interlude private server and works fine (didn't test fishing and pets yet...).

  3. Guys,


    can you suggest some non-crowded places for botting in interlude server?


    Levels 40-50 50-55.


    I got in the group 1 bladedancer lvl 47, 1 prophet same level, 1 SE same level (only BD hits mobs).


    The place NEEDS to be unnoticed from other people...


    or the least crowded (at least...)


    Had a hard time to find one. Tnx!

  4. το χρησιμοποιησα παλιοτερα σε C4 private. Τωρα παιζω σε interlude.


    Οπότε: τι γίνεται με το death penalty που παίρνει όταν κάνει delevel στους guards ????

  5. Hi guys,


    i got the same problem on a greek private server (interlude client).


    My bot was working fine until today. I logged out and relogin my char. I pressed home to bring up the walker interface and when i chose the char's saved profile and pressed INS to load it, client disconnected.


    Tried again and again 4-5 times always getting the same result.


    Tried open the walker and client from another PC and still same problem.


    I use the same walker version like the one on the first post.


    Is there something we can do about it?

  6. I have a few script questions:


    1. How can we close the inventory window (via script command) when the bot buys something from the grocery store and then goes out to fight?


    2. How can we close the Gatekeeper dialog window (via script command) when the bot teleports to a hunting ground?


    3. How can we close the inventory window (via script command) after depositing items to the WH NPC?


    and finally


    4. Is it better to control the bot's HP/MP status via script or via the L2walker itself?


    (I mean that when HP/MP are less than certain percentage the bot should rest and stand up after the HP/MP status gets 100%)


    Thanks in advance for any help...

  7. @sltbnjr


    Yes walker has auto-trade but what i want to do CANNOT be done via that option.

    And the reason is that i want to cover 3 different conditions using that Auto-Trade, something

    that simply cannot be done with walker's auto-trade...


    It's either can be done with scripts or cannot be done at all.




    That record script is a command inside walker? never noticed it , i will search for it , thanks.

  8. Is there a l2walker script command for trading with another char?


    Searched but didn't find it.


    Also is there a way to find the item ID for soul crystals of any level?


    I want to raise soul crystal up to a certain level then trade it with my buffer bot and then

    the buffer bot trades me back a zero level soul crystal.


    Then do the same until all soul crystals raised up to the expected level...

  9. Το pathpoint μπορεί να σε κολλήσει ξανά πάνω σε εμπόδιο γιατί το pathpoint είναι απλά μια νοητή γραμμή (τεθλασμένη) βάση της οποίας κινείσαι.


    Τα mobs που κυνηγάς χρησιμοποιώντας pathpoint είναι πάντα εκτός του pathpoint (της νοητής γραμμής) και το radious γύρω από το pathpoint ορίζεται.


    Ως αποτέλεσμα όταν βγεις από το pathpoint σου για να kill ένα mob μπορεί κατά την επιστροφή να κολλήσεις πάνω σε εμπόδιο γιατί ο char σου

    θα ακολουθήσει την πιο κοντινή διαδρομή για επιστροφή στη γραμμή του pathpoint.


    Κάνε ότι είπε ο φίλος παραπάνω με τη διαφορά ότι θα ορίσεις RANGE και όχι PATHPOINT.


    Φροντίζεις να κρατάς εκτός της περιμέτρου του range σου τα διάφορα εμπόδια και είσαι GG.


    To define range απαιτεί ΤΟΥΛΑΧΙΣΤΟΝ 4 σημεία τα οποία θα δημιουργούν ένα περιμετρικό χώρο ο οποίος πάντα κλείνει (τετράγωνο ή πολύγωνο).


    Επίσης στο define range η επιλογή RADIUS (RADII) δεν έχει επίπτωση. Ο char σου κυνηγάει μόνο ότι βρίσκεται μέσα στο range που έχεις φτιάξει και δεν προχωρά έξω από αυτό.


    Ελπίζω να το πιασες...  ;)

  10. @dmitry


    thanks for the clarification




    I'm not afraid not to bot so i'm botting. I just want to know what a GM CAN do and what he CANNOT.


    From what dmitry said, a GM CAN find out if i'm a bot and that is what i wanted to know.


    Since the above are true, i will bot up to a level and then stop it. The reason is that someday they will catch me so i'll just bot up to a decent level my chars and then stop and play normally.


    It's the greeding at low levels that bothers me, at high levels i enjoy playing my chars.


    So with the clarification made by dmitry i can NOW decide WHEN to bot and WHEN to stop botting.


    It's simple as that.


    P.S. Yes i currently play on a private server (i also have inactive accounts at official) but i KNOW that the GMs look for bots and ban them.

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