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About Emerge

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. L2Panic begins on 23-07-2012. 20:00 +2GMT Lineage 2 Panic is brought to you by an experienced crew of gamers, coders, administrators and game masters ! We offer you the guarantee of a serious server. We are a nonprofit server , where we keep the donations to stay alive ! We don't give powered items in exchange for donations. Website: http://l2panic.com Forum: http://l2panic.com/forum/index.php -L2Off Interlude Server. -65x Experience , 65x Skill Points , 75x Adena , 1x Drop. -Skills are auto-learn. -There are not custom items. -Safe enchant = 3 -Max enchant = 20. -Normal Enchant Rate: 45% -Blessed Enchant Rate: 25% -Buff duration for 1st ,2nd and 3rd Class Buffs (2 hours) -Summon buffs such as Blessing of Queen (2 minutes) Cave of Trials --> Drop (Cave Coin, Adena) ;Use Cave Coin for buy S-Weapon . -Elven Fortress --> Drop (Elven Coin, Adena) ; Use Elven Coin for buy S-Armor. -Abandoned Coal Mine -- > Drop (Coal Coin , Adena);Use Coal Coin for buy S-Jewel. -Primeval Island --> Drop (Pi Coin , Adena); Use Pi Coin for buy Ls,Dyes. -Forge of Gods --> Drop (God Coin , Adena); Use God Coin for buy Enchant Scrolls. -T-Rex --> Drop (1 Raid Coin). Respawn time [4hours] -At the end of each custom zone there is one Custom Raid Boss --> Drop (6-10 Raid Coin).Respawn time [12hours] -Grand Bosses --> Boosted to level 80 . Respawn time (Queen Ant[24hours],Zaken[48hours],Baium[72hours],Antharas[96hours],Valakas[120hours]) -Clan points system : Killing Grand Bosses and Custom raids you will earn clan points. -Varka's Commander Mos, Ketra's Chief Brakki , Shaman King Selu , Ketra's Hero Hekaton ,Varka's Chief Horus,Vanor Chief Kandra, Eilhalder von Hellmann , Death Lord Ipos, Meanas Anor , Bloody Empress Decarbia , Death Lord Shax , Antharas Priest Cloe , Death lord Hallate , Immortal Savior Mardil ,Kaysha Herald of Icarus. -Clan points system : Killing Standard Raids you will earn clan points. -Castle sieges are every week, exchanging between Aden , Giran , Goddard and Gludio. -Remaining castles will not be used in automated sieges but will instead be used in various events. -1st, 2nd and 3rd class change quests are free. You do not have to do them. Talk to class manager in main town and he will grant you their completion. -You can buy subclass quest item from custom shop in giran.Just with adena. -You can buy noblesse quest item from custom shop in giran.Just with adena. -You can buy blooded fabric, portal stone and floating stone at custom Shop , just trading them for Raid Coin. -Items from olympiad restricted , you can't join with raid boss jewels or items enchanted. -The Olympiads are held every 2 weeks. -The GmShop sells items up to S grade with most accessories and consumables along with it. -The Npc buffer sells all the useful buffs (1st ,2nd and 3rd Class). -There is class changer which lets you perform class changes. -Delevel npc that let you decrease your level. -The CustomShop sells all the quest items that you are needing.
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