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Everything posted by Zsolt

  1. i have same problem if anyone knows this problem.... :|
  2. Zsolt


    which is the 'better' if i got a 14:52:08 Link LoginServer Succeed. 14:52:38 ->Login LoginServer Timeout. or a 14:53:17 Link LoginServer Succeed. 14:53:17 ->Login LoginServer Fail. messages .... :)
  3. thanks, nice guide but what can i do when i'm stuck at chooise server menu? My server is running but i can't connect it... :(
  4. Hi, i can make a l2jc4.. but i have a problem when i try to connect to my server. My server is running and when chooice the server (sieghardt [ping 9999] good) nothing happen... anyone has a idea what's the problem?
  5. Zsolt


    if i send the engline.dll can you see the correct token?
  6. Zsolt


    server updated at yesterday so i dont know any information :( server site: www.l2solid.com (first post) and if i check the server ip and port and p.version with hlapex it's write the server ip: server port: 2505 But if i check my netstat -n i can see this ip with 2222 port and i try a L2Walker 10.7.1 and i get this messages in walker 22:27:36 Link LoginServer Succeed. 22:28:06 ->Login LoginServer Timeout.
  7. Zsolt


    ahh sorry i can not find the correct protocol... can you help me to find it? :(
  8. Zsolt


    sure... 19:05:05 Link LoginServer Succeed. 19:05:05 ->Login LoginServer Fail. i dont have any idea what is the problem :(
  9. Zsolt


    My walker used to work but there was an update and nobody has OOG in this server since that update... If anybody has an idea what could be the server's ip, port, P. version or which OOG walker i should try please message me
  10. Zsolt


    Hello! Anyone can help me to find a correct setting for this server? www.l2solid.com My current setting is: ip: PORT: 2106 p.version: 659 Token=5B 3B 27 2E 5D 39 34 2D 33 31 3D 3D 2D 25 26 40 21 5E 2B 5D and i try to use 10.7.1 version but it's not works... please if you can help me...
  11. which is the 'better' packethack or that's l2hpx? :|
  12. i always use the cat queen with macro i think if your computer can use dual box it's easy way...
  13. anyone knows give me a work link for Lineage 2 C4 Server Side files? thank you
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