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Everything posted by Fabz0r

  1. Can close this . We broke everything xD
  2. Wts Sph lvl 80 subclass( Titan/Bishop/PR) 2xam+8+Acu bow+8+F am+6+Acu +-200 FC coins TT set+6 Drac set +6 HD DC set +6 Strider 50GB Pm me with offers (to the guy who buys this im gonna give another 2 Nobless acc one with Bishop main sub:PR/Sph/Tank and other Sph noble with sub:Tank and necro) Reason for selling clan moving
  3. u can check with hekii and the other guy I sold the things. If u give a me 2 persons that u selled things we can talk
  4. what prices u guys want for the acc's?
  5. Wtb diablo 3 acc cheap dont matter the equip or gold. Just want a cheap acc Here is my trades at mxc: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=243516.0
  6. up acc have 7 euros to spend in-game
  7. acc have 7 euros to spend in-game
  8. Hi. Already sold all the adena . Only char is available
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