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Posts posted by Seemann

  1. At me bypass it is "voiced_", in that continually that the command passes (if I specifically specify the wrong command in repair.htm, I receive the message about its absence), and here the name which should be substituted instead of $name is ignored, if the command did not pass I would not see a log Repair Attempt: Failed in the terminal. This log appears only if the name is not specified, I can also just enter the .startrepair command without a name and the same log "Repair Attempt: Failed ". May be problem in htm? x_x

  2. Hello! I ask to help with one problem.
    Installed this share on aCis 374 and, like, everything works, but it's not entirely correct.
    the .repair command launches, the window opens, but after clicking on the Repair button, it always comes out - Repair Attempt: Failed. And if you enter manually .startrepair <crar_name>, then everything works as it should.

    As if in a line     

    <button value = "Repair" action = "bypass -h voiced_startrepair $name".....

    $name - the repairChar value is not defined and the query is in the string

     if (command.startsWith ("startrepair") && (repairChar! = null))

    is always "null", so the error also gets out. I'm just starting to understand all this. Thank you.

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