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About scensor

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  1. as title says i want a workable bot for the server www.l2ex.eu khadia server thanks in advance
  2. Nice job m8 :D
  3. kai se emena to idio pfffff
  4. Need a link to download it pls :D
  5. Katarxas an kapios summoner kanei enchant to pet tou kai to paei +10 tote to pet paei 79 lvl anti apo 78 kai episis ama pas kai skotosis 5-6 mob to pet paei lvl 87 kai kerdizi stats acurracy etc Episis gia tous destro kalo tha itan giati opws oli kseroume i summoners tous afinoun me miso life gia na kerdisoun apo ta dmg alla ama kapios destro ksekinisi me weapon anger kai otan ftasi sti mesi i zoi tou valei ena health weapon tha mporesi na xrisimopoiisi ta skills frenzy-guts-zealot etc wste na kerdisi to match afta apo mena oti neotero tha sas pw :D
  6. I wish i will be able to se it ^^
  7. Nice tip thanks
  8. Lol indded nice link :DDDd
  9. Sorry m8 but they have stealed me donated items and i want them back :///
  10. Allo everybody i am trying to find ip of l2 elite and also a spyware to hack accs on my net at l2 elite If anyone can help i would be happy to share the items i will steal
  11. Okay i need the ip for l2 elite i have the walker but ip s missing :( Pls do your best i count on you :P
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