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About sakmo

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  1. Server: www.l2neo.com Char specs: Main: phoenix knight Subs: soul takser, mystic muse, saggitarius Noblesse status Items: DBOW+7+F (passive duel might) AM+8+ACU FB+6+H (active shield) AS+4+H IC set+6/+7 DRAC set MA robe set Majestic l set Tallum h set Tallum r set DC r set TTS jewels+6/+7 AQ/Baium/Zaken/Tezza+4/+8
  2. WTS char on www.l2neo.com Main: phoenix knight 80 LVL (main skills enchanted up to +12) Subs: Mystic Muse 80 LVL/ NECROMANCER 80 LVL/ SAGGITARIUS 80LVL Noblesse status Items: -DBOW+focus +7 (augument: active focus) -FB+haste +6 (augument: active shield) -AM+acu +4 -AS+haste +4 -IC +6 set -Tallum heavy set -Tallum robe set -DC robe set +4 -Major Arcana robe set -MJ light set +4 -Draconic set -TTS jewels set +6/+7 Some screens: I will also add: -varka alliance 5LVL char (Soul Taker+ DC robe set) -warsmith (20+ EWS, all mats to craft anything (just need the rcps), 300kk+ aa, 2-3 of all s grade (IC/DRAC/MA) armors) -3 spoilers acc's (79-80 lvl) -full ressist (prophet, sws, bd, ee) -Arcana Lord char (for blessing of queen buff) About server: -STARTED on the 1st of May -ONLINE PLAYERS atm ~1200 every day -LOTS OF ATCION in top spots, near epics -PVP ZONE in AQ, BAIUM, FRINTEZZA, ANTHARAS, VALAKAS locations -GRAND OLYMPIAD started on 11th of May -FIRST HEROES will be on 17th of May. Server is stable and fun, there are all possibilities to take hero and have lots of fun! I cant continue playing cause of personal reasons. PRICE: your offer CONTACT: by pm here or skype: aly_mohamed
  3. Selling Arcana Mace+11, also. PM with offers!
  4. Ring of Baium and Ring of Queen Ant for sale! PM with prices!
  5. 2 more mage accounts: Both Archmages 80 lvl Subs: necro Noblesse status Items #1: AM+ acu + augument: wild magic 10 lvl DC r set TTS set adena, mats, lifestones, etc Items #2: AM+ acu + augument: passive empower 10 lvl WT+ acu + augument: active empower 10 lvl DC r set TALLUM r set TTS set
  6. One more account: Main: Cardinal Sub: Soul Taker Noblesse status Items: 1x am+acu 6x clean am bomt tallum r set nm l set tts jewels set many materials (for ~10 more ams) many enchants many lifestones you need 1-2 days to make it perfect oly char! screens: http://postimg.org/image/gi2v5ia51/ http://postimg.org/image/6oq96fxed/ http://postimg.org/image/qutr5bt1x/ http://postimg.org/image/7ls31kjit/ http://postimg.org/image/tc0wyunkl/ http://postimg.org/image/ym5vq57th/ http://postimg.org/image/l92qnj2z9/ http://postimg.org/image/ho6v4ayfp/ http://postimg.org/image/8x4fns4id/
  7. Another account for sale. Main: Dominator 80 lvl Noblesse status Items: 1x am acu+6 1x db f+4 1x AM mana up 1x as haste+3 2x db clean 2x dc robe set 5x tts set all 3 oly staffs(btb,focus,m shield) 200 mid ls 18 high ls many other mats/gems/cry s +bonus: 1 mage with ally lvl 3(78k varka manes) PM for further details. SOLD.
  8. Server: http://www.l2mid.com Main: Archmage Subs: Necro Noblesse status Items: 2x AM+acu, Saint Spear+health, DC R set, MJ H set, TTS jewels set. Character is on TOP100 PVP stats, in a good position. Auguments: Stats: Contact me by PM here or leave your skype here. SOLD.
  9. lf any new or lately started gracia final or epilogue (no freya, h5, god, interlude) with x10-x100 rates. thanks!
  10. WEBSITE: www.interlude.pro START DATE: 2012.06.03 18.00h (GMT+2) INFO: Lineage II The Chaotic Throne: Interlude Server rates: XP X75 SP X75 Adena X75 Drop Items X25 Drop Spoil X25 Drop RaidBoss X5 Drop RaidBoss Jewelery X1 Drop Quests X10 Quest Reward* X3 Drop Fish X5 Manor X5 Max. Enchant a-beep-t 16 Enchant Scroll 55% Bless Enchant 60% Profession prices (subclass free): 1 profession Free 2 profession Free 3 profession Free *Quest drop x10 and reward x3 dont applied for all quest Server Features: Full working skill, on the global balance. Full working all quests. Scheme buffer. (2h buff time). 24 +4 buff slot. The Hero period is for 1 week. 7Signs teleporter + Primeval Island. Mammon added in all towns. GM shop up to B grade. Shop has mats and their recipes. Working Fortress, Clan Hall. Will be allowed 1 box. Anti Heavy System. Castle Siege. Commercial Geodata. Full fixed all Raid / Grand Boss (Frinteza, Sepulchers, etc.) Working cursed weapons. Auto Events: TvT, CTF, DM. Epic Boss: Antharas spawn 72+4 Hours Valakas 72+5 Hours Baium 48+4 Hours Zaken 40+4 Hours Ant Queen 24+2 Hours Orfen 20+4 Hours Core 33+4 Hours Frintezza 48+6 Hours Barakiel 7 Hours General information: Well established server with a good team to look after it. Now work functions .menu (acc control) and CTRL+SHIFT to look drop. Commands: Show config menu .menu Repair player, need connect with other character in broken character acc .repair Events manager .events Offline Shop .offline Character information .whoami Locks / unlocks getting buffs only work in peace zones .blockbuff Account security commands: Show HWID bind status .hwidstatus Enable / Disable bind to HWID (bind put on your PC, only for binded PC you can connect to account) .bindhwid
  11. (for webpage, click icon above) Lineage II Blaze project want to announce about fresh server start at 2012-05-26 Saturday 16:00 GMT+2! With new server season will come BIG PACK OF UPDATES! So let's start. Firstly, we invited to project new java programmer and hardly changed server core. Secondly we changed Lineage II Blaze project website and added forum for our players! Also we added: -Anti-buff shield -Anti shop zone in towns -Updated Antharas, Valakas and Sailren scripts -Anti Heavy system for archers and daggers classes -Server players top NPC -Title and Nick color NPC -Many skills updates -Fix for Archers classes -Fixed buffer exploits -Updated Events system INFORMATION SERVER RATES XP: x70 SP: x70 Party XP and SP: x1.50 Adena Drop rate: x50 Drop Items rate: x30 Drop SealStones rate: x1.5 Spoil rate: x30 Drop Manor rate: x1 Drop Quest rate: x10 Quests Reward rate: x10(not for all) DropRaidBoss: x10. ENCHANT RATES Enchant Max: +16 Enchant Safe: +3 Simple Enchant Rates: 58% Bessed Enchant Rates: 68% BASIC THINGS Full working skill and quests, on the global balance. Working Fortress, Clan Hall and Castle siege Full fixed all Raid / Grand Boss (Zaken, Frintezza, Sepulchers, etc.). Working cursed weapons system. Class Auto at (20,40,76 LvL table). Augmentation full working. Subclass without quest. Auto Learn Skills till 80LvL. Full Working Wedings. Commercial Geodata, fully working. Champion system. ADDITIONAL Npc buffer (2h buff time) 32+6 Buff slot. Scheme buffer. 7Signs teleporter + Primeval Island. GM-shop till weapon B grade/ armor B grade and jewel B grade. Noblesse with Caradine letter lvl 65 in GM Shop. Offline shop work with SELL , PRIVATE CREATION , PACKAGE SALE ! EPIC BOSS Antharas spawn 72+5 Hours Valakas 72+10 Hours Baium 48+5 Hours Zaken 40+8 Hours Ant Queen 24+8 Hours Orfen 20+8 Hours Core 33+8 Hours Frintezza 48+8 Hours Barakiel 7 Hours GRAND OLYMPIAD Olympiad system Every 1 Weeks (Full Working), Retail Olympiad. Olympiad start 18:00 and end 24:00 Heroes Change Every Monday morning Validation period 12h USEFUL SERVER COMMANDS .donate – command for info donation. .online – Check out how many people are playing now. .menu – Server Menu.
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