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Everything posted by Turkas

  1. Selling Eviscerator 100.30% Dual Tyr GK 96lvl. Premium 9days. Almost done Exalted quest. 33k mentee coins. 1.4k mark of batle. 100kk aden + 4k r cristals I'm owned of this account. Price 50e!!! skipe turkas66 Only paypal.
  2. Adena : 100kk - 6e stock : 2b Accept only paypal. Pm here or skipe turkas66
  3. Hello, want to sell warlock 65 lvl with bw light set, c jewelery, c staff +3+m.atack rune alot exp crolls or naked. I'm owner of this acc. . Accept only paypal as gift. - 130e skipe turkas66
  4. got it. close
  5. Hello, i'm buying 10 euro for 200kk adena (need premium :D ) pm here or skipe turkas66
  6. WTS Adenaa in 3x l2classic.club server 1kk - 0,4e stock : 15kk only paypal. skipe turkas66
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