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Posts posted by dmxram






    We are an active project for more than 3 years providing high quality high five server files. 

    Our files are based on l2jserver latest sources.We are almost the only alive project providing 

    source to our customers making their lifes easier. Before purchasing you have the opportunity to login 

    on our online test server and check everything you want by yourself.



    We providing a free version, which is not suggested for live servers.

    Its really old, and there should be skill problems and bugs.

    However its a good choice if you want a server pack ready to use with custom features for practise

    or to have some fun with your friends etc.



    If you are looking for something stable,clean with some ready to use custom features then you should choose

    our silver or gold plan. (best choice) 



    Gold users obtain our updates daily from our SVN. This means that you have lifetime

    bug fixies and support. If a bug occur , you need to report it on our forum

    and posibly the same day the fix will be commited the same day.


    Current rev 611( updated on 19/4/2016 )

    Here are 'some' of the feedback's that our user's left recently

















    For features, preview, faq and more information you can check our official website

    Official L2jSunrise Website





    still avaible ?

  2. why would u want to play on a server where every1 has max enchant?


    l2 players nowadays...wish u played l2 few years ago,when real l2 could be learnt


    where the f.uck u saw MAX enchant!?


    first of all donations will open after 1 month and will be only +6 on donation list so i don`t f.ucking understand where u ever saw ppl with +10 gear w/h hard farm /or ~oly hours played .

    lol  HATERS.

  3. ahha mrmoshu`s QQing 8) about srv cause maibe he play in a spanish zerk clan wich are not able to kill a mob with full party. GG ppl thinks they are pro but they`r not .u should play solitaire ;)


    srv is nice with the best enchant features that i ever saw on any l2 java server,it has nice economy ,over 500 players daily wich are pvp`ing and QQ`ing , OLY is always full and there is always activity on srv

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