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About Mae0ax

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    What you give is ... What you get

Mae0ax's Achievements


Newbie (1/16)



  1. if you have better imagination just open your own server man.
  2. There are alway's over 60-70-80 people ONLINE server is NEW sometimes like 120+ Happy to see you online.
  3. Thanks you so much!
  4. looks good how many ppl is online everyday?
  5. good server good luck dude.
  6. 1 blessed cost 10 coin of luck and one mob drop like 5. everyone people say do not change! thx for your commend.
  7. Nice server but always some kids just make DDoS attack in sandora :@
  8. [glow=red,2,300]kalh arxh file mou sinexhse etsi[/glow]
  9. It's 100% only with Blessed Schroll and not with the normal.
  10. Server website is DOWN! but i remember this server one of best. Have say me one freind.
  11. www.l2destination.org GM Team ONLINE EVERY 24 Hour's! -------------------------------------------- Server Rates Exp: x5000 Sp: x5000 Party Sp/Exp: x1 Adena Drop: x1000 Drop:x1 Enchant Rates Safe enchant: +5 Weapon max enchant: +20 Armor max enchant: +20 Jewels max enchant: +20 Enchant with normal Scrolls rate is: 70% Enchant with Blessed Scrolls rate is: 100% Top Grade Lifestones Chance : 15% Features C4/C5/Interlude features/skills working 96% (The other 4% we will fix it with your support ig) Fishing Seven Signs Castle Sieges Clan Hall Sieges Noblesses & Heroes System Max Level 80 All Quests Clan Wars C5/Interlude Clan System Subclans (Academy,Royal Guards,Order of Knights) Weapon Augmentations Dueling System DualBox allowed Flawless Geodata & Pathnodes Active and experienced development/GMteam! No corruptions! Not used accounts will be deleted after 2 months New character start with 2kkk adena Max Subclasses = 3 Max Subclass level = 80 Max Alliances = 3 All active/passive augments are fully working! Custom Start up zone Clan Leader With Clan Lvl 8 Has Color Name And Title Name Sends messages to players with more than 4 kills in a row. You can have your hero skills on subclass. Castle Lord announce when he logs. Donator chat. PvP Chat with 1000 Pvp Vote reward system Olympiad Olympiad Begins: 18:00h GMT +1 - 00.00h GMT +1 Hero Period: 1 Week Olympiad Full Retail Like Hero Skills On Subclass Relog During Olympiad INSTANT DEFEAT Server NPCs Global Gatekeeper Raid Gatekeeper GM Shop Custom Shop Reward Manager Buffer Augmenter (Skill Enchanter) Andromeda - Wedding Manager Clan Manager Olympiad Manager PVP/Pk Manager Class Masters Pepper - Symbol Maker Info Manager AlphaBank - Freight Warehouse EuroBank - Warehouse Keeper Fragola the Cat - Clan Manager Roy the Cat - Class Changer Events TvT - Team vs Team CTF - Capture the Flag DM - DeathMatch/Free for all Every hour an other event is being held Custom Commands .away: Sets your status to away signifying you are afk. .back: Sets your status back. .deposit: 1 Gold Bar for 500kk Adena .withdraw: 500k Adena for 1 Gold Bar
  12. This like Lineage Pioneer
  13. Guys if you can help me pls send me a one website with good crests.... CLAN/ALLY Regards Mae0ax
  14. The first is AWESOME Regards NaeNia
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