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Everything posted by HumanControl

  1. Like i am telling to the title i am looking for any serious server that gonna open today or tommorow... No Mana potions or NPC buffer... Post servers. Thanks.
  2. I liked the clan!! +1 my friends :) Keep going! ::) ::) ::)
  3. Why server is down ? lol :o
  4. [GR]Poia i diafora twn 2 active me to 1/1 ?[/GR]
  5. ~ Client Intrlude ~ Class: Soultaker [pre]Active: Wild Magic/Empower[/pre] Active: Wild Magic/Heal Tell Me Your Opinion! Which Of These Two Things You Prefer On A Soultaker In A Interlude PvP Server ? 1) Active: Wild Magic/Empower Or 2) Active: Wild Magic/Heal
  6. Too hard farm for pvp server... If i would play in a server with farm then i should be now in a low-mid rate ::)
  7. Its the name of our clan lol. its a clan picture :D
  8. I cant understand why u dont like 4th pic :D I really like 1st too... but 4th is a preety pic too :P (my opinion)
  9. +4325243 Request From Any Moderator To Lock The Topic! :P
  10. mages and archers is less than 4-5 skills of gladiators!! GET SERIOUSLY BRO.... I AM PLAYING FROM C2. Dont Tell Me About Balance.... GL WITH YOUR SERVER. P.S: By the way... i am not the only one that says it. When i logged to the server was online like 10-15 players and all left servers LOL! How you think that server is great and balance is 96-100% ??? LOL Till now none Interlude server have NOT EVEN 80% BALANCE... (Dont Take It Personally... Server Sucks) If you wanna join.... go try him.
  11. yeah nice pvp... Gladi so OP... 4k to a necro. B-Grade vs B-Grade... NICE lol. Server is just a big fail and admin is sitting and watching.
  12. Sorry bro but server closed :) Cya ;) :-*
  13. Thanks Guys... and i already choose the 1st one for my clan pic :D
  14. SSD ? Really cool and expensive.. :o
  15. Tell me something that u didnt like it... :/
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