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About cmeyer

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  1. Doesnt matter if it dont work :( what server it is.. kinda depressing
  2. DO we know any servers it works on? or please can sombody tell me how to bot OOG on DN cause im sick of running 6 in game on one pc :P its gettin really hard and takes FOREVER to set up lol thanks..
  3. Supposedly somboody uses it on this server so im not sure.. what do u mean maybe my client does it? I thought if it dont work it wont even connect so i think it works.. i just need to figure out how to save the items.
  4. Ok im gettin hlapex to connect and im actually gettin items in my inventory.. The problem is these items arent "real" when i close my invetneory they are gone.. or if i COpy an EWB.. i can only use one EWB and the rest dont work.. The pictures are in my inventory but they arent actually there.. and with weapons if i copy it..only the original is Valid.. PLS help me and share ur Knoledge if im doing somthing wrong so i can make "REAL" not fake items :) and thank you for ur time
  5. I can dual box on Dragon Network.. But as soon as i start up.. L2walker.. my game crashes.. Pls help me :( .. i have enver been able to luanch l2 with walker..i start it after im logged in.. Then i relog so it connects.. now when i logged in it crashes the game.. can somboody give me a walker that lets me log l2 with it.. i get the error No video when i do this.. Or help me fix it so i l2walker does not crash my game.. I believe its all because of this new file update.
  6. hello.. I can Dual box on DN now.. and in order for me to use walker i always had to Start both accounts.. then start up l2 walker.. then relog my characters so it would connect.. now when i try to run l2walker at all my Lineage Clients crash.. can anybody pls help me out a bit :) i would appreciate it. Thanks!
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