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About l2tartanus

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  1. orea server !
  2. this is not a original l2 atlantis are new !!!
  3. Server Info RateXp = 1000x RateSp = 1000x RatePartyXp = 100x RatePartySp = 30x RateDropAdena = 1000x Armor/Weapon Min:+3 Max:+21 Normal Scroll Enchant :*Wep. = 75% *Armor = 75% Bless Scroll Enchant :*Wep. = 90%*Armor = 90% Augmentation Mid/High/Top Skill Chance = 20/30/40 Custom Aromor : Appela (Clasic,Blue,Gold) Weapons : Dusk ! Buffs Slots: 100 Augument 1 ! Server dedicated !!! http://l2atlantis.co.cc/
  4. [shadow=red,left]Line][Age Tartanus INTERLUDE Server[/shadow] [glow=red,2,300]Rates Information[/glow] Web-site : www.l2tartanus.co.cc Chronicle: Interlude Rates: xp:1000x / sp:1000x / adena:1000x EnchantChance: Weapon:80% / Armor:80% / Jewelry:80% BlessedEnchantChance: Weapon:95% / Armor:95% / Jewelry:95% CrystalEnchantChance: Weapon:100% / Armor:100% / Jewelry:100% Enchant: Min (Weapon/Armor/Jewelry): 3 / Max (Weapon): 21 Max (/Armor/Jewelry): 16 Augmentation: MidSkillChance: 20 /HighSkillChance: 30 /AugmentationTopSkillChance: 40 [glow=red,2,300]Custom NPC[/glow] [glow=red,2,300]Custom Items[/glow] Web-site : www.l2tartanus.co.cc
  5. Best SERVER I LOVE THIS !!!
  6. Rise Of L2Gold Information This page explains about the basic L2 Gold features and gives some information for the people who are not really familiar with C4. Rates: xp75x / sp70x / adena75x (all adena is divided by 100/all shops prices too) Server: Full Official C4 server (retail server) with custom modifications Gameplay: No weight limit, Buffs 1 hour, rebirth, No class change quests, increased movement speed on all classes AIO NPC Buffer There is a support buffer spawned in every important town The buffs last for 1hour and are free of charge.
  7. [shadow=red,left]Line][Age Tartanus INTERLUDE Server[/shadow] [glow=red,2,300]Rates Information[/glow] Web-site : www.l2tartanus.co.cc Chronicle: Interlude Rates: xp:1000x / sp:1000x / adena:1000x EnchantChance: Weapon:80% / Armor:80% / Jewelry:80% BlessedEnchantChance: Weapon:95% / Armor:95% / Jewelry:95% CrystalEnchantChance: Weapon:100% / Armor:100% / Jewelry:100% Enchant: Min (Weapon/Armor/Jewelry): 3 / Max (Weapon): 21 Max (/Armor/Jewelry): 16 Augmentation: MidSkillChance: 20 /HighSkillChance: 30 /AugmentationTopSkillChance: 40 [glow=red,2,300]Custom NPC[/glow] [glow=red,2,300]Custom Items[/glow] Web-site : www.l2tartanus.co.cc
  8. 2/19/2012 3:00/4:00 PM !!! GMT +2
  9. I don't make textures !!!
  10. I will post you will be ready!
  11. I am not kid i have http://riseofl2gold.info/ :))) And i make one PvP Server
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