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About ChaØs

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    Khaleesi INC Westeros
  • Interests
    Game of Thrones (a song of ice and fire)

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  1. Clan: FallenAngeLs Forum: http://www.fallenangels-clan.com/index.php CURRENT SERVER: L2Renaissance - status: unhappy; reason: bad administration; looking for another server We are looking at: L2Sanity - we don't have chars, maybe we can talk to admin about wipe (if you agree ofc) We are looking at: pvpgame.pro - some friends are going there on the 24th We are looking at: L2Gambit - news in 1-2 weeks we will update when we move, or watch forums for our "INC" thread in clan section Regards Iordanov
  2. enjoy http://www.mediafire.com/download/mux912vm6lgy33o/L2+Renaissance+Patch+v1.rar
  3. few hours left, waiting
  4. big pvp inc
  5. thanks ^^
  6. [GR] Dendrine poli wraia ta crests su, aplos ean su einai eukolo na dosis perisoteri vasi sta gramata, dld na ta kanis poio emfani k ligo poio megala. opos sta arxika. euxaristo gia mia fora akomi.
  7. Dendrinos, if u have time try something more for me, thanks
  8. Thanks a lot buddy!
  9. 15 mins left
  10. 2hours 33 mins
  11. we have the finals change logs/ features?
  12. Hello guys I'm in need of a new crest, here is some examples 1: 2: ~Thanks in advance.
  13. 7hours left!
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