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About Lineage2WesS

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  1. Guys i need to ask sorry from all of you for this days with lag today we have put one new tracer for see from where is comming this error and lag our server. so now we just wait till cpu hit 99% for see where is it. If its not working this we close the server for 1 Week and after we change dedicated and company . so wait guys i will inform if we close the server or of we fix the lag. thnx again and i am sorry for this again.!
  2. Are you insane? I'm telling you developer here, why are you talking to me about OTHER staff members? Some people just get's get plain english.
  3. I'm telling you these are NOT my servers. Developer of L2WesS speaking here. Here's what i wrote to someone else who claimed that's l2jfrozen But anyway your argument is incorrect because all Interlude Servers with High Enchantments and long time buffs got mages with low power.
  4. i said on announce if you are not looking " mages will be increased at the next update" i said this at : 15:30 gmt +2 thnx! wait for see the difference
  5. For God's sake stop spamming here and post your requests at our forum! We are doing our best updating daily sometimes more than once per day. We'll increase mages power, stop worrying about this!
  6. guys we trying to fix this problem with Mysql plz be patience thnx! server is online 24/7 but sometimes lags becaouse this problem with mysql we trying to fix it. thnx!
  7. Pack is based on l2j and its development started on a really old server (L2Essiel) that members from mxc had. The development kept on going until today. Hope you are satisfied, hater. All staff members are adults, so your argument is incorrect. Server wasn't DDoSed, but its MySQL was flooded due to many unclosed database connections. This could be either made by server itself (although there's a timer for each opened connection) or player made (on purpose, or by accident). Anyway, better loggin was added and next time, if it ever occurs again, we'll know exactly why and how it happened. I sincerely hope i answered all your questions.
  8. if any body want to check my based no problem :d i can prove you my Project its not L2JFrozen thnx ! based on L2Java.
  9. hmm maybe why not just i need to test guys loggin ingame to report us every problem ! till now we have fixed 15 problems i will log on forum to write the problems on Changelog !
  10. 60 ppl online now. and we are growing up! I need reports for problems loggin to check everything thnx!
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